How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe [Tutorial]

How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe [Tutorial]

Learn how to clean Ninja coffee maker carafe with this step-by-step tutorial and get your carafe not only clean, get it sparkling like the day that you unboxed your coffee maker!

The method taught below is time-consuming and is more than worth it! Once you get it sparkling, all you to do is a light cleaning every time you use it to help it maintain its shine.

Keep reading for the details!

How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe

our coffee carafe can look aged quickly due to becoming discolored due to coffee being used and left in it for long period of time.

The method and technique detailed below will get it clean and sparking like it was when you first bought it, those baked on coffee stains on the bottom of the pot will be a distant memory.

Follow this step-by-step process and enjoy and amazingly clean coffee pot.

This is the exact process that I use.

How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe
Clean Your Ninja Coffee Carafe

Read: How to run clean cycle on Ninja coffee maker

Step 1: Use Your Dishwasher

This is the starting point and is almost all that you will need as a daily cleaning when you have cleaned it and got sparkling.

When you have it shining like new use this simple step and give it a wipe down with white vinegar.

Pop your coffee pot into your dishwasher and clean it.

If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash it by hand using warm water and dish soap, a mild detergent is good enough to get the job done. Rinse well with clean water.

Step 2: Steep Baby, Steep

Removing baked on coffee stain or two is best done by letting your coffee carafe steep in hot water. Add a cleaning solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% hot water.

The white vinegar that is best to use is cleaning vinegar as it stronger, more concentrated and has a higher acidity.

However, if cost is an issue, and you wish to use regular distilled white vinegar you can use that also.

Let it steep overnight with the exterior bottom also soaked in a basin of the same solution.

Ninja Coffee Maker Clean Button
Vinegar Is A Powerful Cleaning Solution


Step 3: Rinse And Clean Your Carafe

The method that I used is through and details. Rinse your carafe well.

If it is not sparkling and some stains, especially those baked on stains have not been removed make paste of bicarbonate of soda by adding 2 to 3 cm deep of bicarbonate of soda to your carafe and add a tiny amount of water.

Use the baking soda paste to scrub your carafe in three dimensions, inside, outside and the bottom.

Leave the paste on overnight or for a few hours and then rinse it with warm water.

Step 4: Sparkle It!

If you coffee carafe is not already sparkling wipe your coffee pot with a damp sponge soaked in white vinegar, cleaning vinegar is best.

This should get it shining and sparkling.

If your carafe is particularly old and is not yet sparkling fill your carafe with undiluted white vinegar.

Although you are using a lot of it, this is a one-off usage. Seek out an old dish cloth and soak it in vinegar, drench it and wrap it around your carafe covering the outside, and the bottom.

Leave your carafe to sit overnight be sure to keep your dish towel as wet and soaked with vinegar s long as you can. If you are cleaning it during the day, re-soak your dish towel every couple of hours.

After a few hours or overnight discard the vinegar. It should now be sparkling. Rinse well with an abundance of water and let it air dry.

Step 5: The Nuclear Solution

Perhaps I should rename this the new clear solution as it will get your carafe clean and clear like it is brand new.

This step should only be used if you are struggling to get it sparkling, if it is already shining like new discard this step.

Using bleach repeat step 4 and fill your carafe with bleach. It’s a powerful cleaning solution and has that knack for getting glass cups, crystal ware and all types of glass ornaments and container perfectly clean and sparkling.

It’s a technique my Cambodian girlfriend uses, and it works like a treat.

Rinse well after it has steeped for a few hours and let your carafe air dry. The purpose of rinsing well is to ensure there are no traces of bleach. The Air drying is to remove all the fumes of bleach.

Ninja Coffee Maker Clean Cycle Not Working
Bleach Is Great Cleaning Solution

Read: How to clean ninja coffee maker

Ninja Coffee Maker Clean Button

Your Ninja coffee maker comes with clean button which you find on the control panel. The location varies depending on the model that you have. On many models it is located at the bottom right of the coffee maker.

The time to clean is when you see the red light illuminate. Personally I strongly advise that you don’t wait nearly as long as it takes for the clean light to come on as this is a sign that your machine is already dirty and has a build up of mineral deposits.

Clean your machine properly every other week, every 15 days to ensure that it is clean and in optimal condition for brewing coffee and serving your perfect coffee every single time.

Ninja Coffee Maker Clean Cycle Not Working

This something that happens very occasionally and is more often than not a sign of just how deep the build up of mineral deposits are inside your machine.

Which a good reason to stick to regular cleaning schedule and keep it clean.

Run a deep cleaning cycle with 50% vinegar and 50% water. You may need to run 2 or 3 cleaning cycles.

If it refuses to clean true to reset your machine. Star by pulling the plug out and waiting a minute or two. Try running a clean cycle again.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe

How Do You Clean The Inside Of A Carafe?

Cleaning the inside of your ninja coffee carafe is very easy. Start by soaking it in hot water, boiling hot water and let it cool. The hot water helps to loosen up debris and coffee stains.

When your water is still hot and warm enough to comfortably touch using a lightly abrasive cleaning brush, scrub the inside of your coffee carafe.

This will remove most, if not all, of the debris and dirt that is easy to remove.

Empty your carafe and add 50% white vinegar and hot water, boiling water. Leave your coffee carafe to sit overnight. The distilled white vinegar will go to work on any remaining dirt and remove it. Use your lightly abrasive cleaning brush to scour and clean the inside of your coffee carafe and clean the exterior.

Your coffee carafe may already be sparkling. If it is not, use the awesome trick that my Cambodian girlfriend uses and fill your coffee carafe with bleach. Cheap low cost bleach is fine.

Leave your carafe for 24 hours and let the bleach work its wonders. Then rinse well with an abundance of clean water. Filling and emptying it 6 to 8 times or more to banish the scent and traces of bleach and let it air dry.

Is The Glass Carafe In Ninja Coffee Maker Dishwasher Safe?

No, after checking with the manufacturer’s website I can confirm 100% that the glass carafe of your ninja coffee maker is dishwasher-safe. The permanent filter and water reservoir are also dishwasher-safe.

The thermal carafe is not dishwasher-safe.

What Is The Best Way To Clean A Coffee Carafe?

The best way to clean a coffee carafe is to use both baking soda and distilled white vinegar.

Start by adding bicarbonate of soda to your carafe and use enough to fill the bottom of your carafe 2 or 3 cm deep. Add a tiny amount of water to make a paste and scrub your carafe both on the inside and outside.

The baking soda provides a light abrasion that will remove all stains. I like to leave mine on and let the paste set for 24 hours and then remove with warm water.

Then use a 50% distilled white vinegar and warm water solution to clean your whole carafe both on the inside and outside.

Let the solution sit for a few hours. This may bring out a sparkle in your coffee carafe. Rinse well with an abundance of fresh water.

How Do You Clean A Stainless Steel Thermal Carafe?

Both baking soda and vinegar are great and commonly available household items that you can use to clean your thermal carafe or stainless steel coffee pot.

Simply use a 25% baking soda and warm water solution to your carafe and scrub your carafe. Alternatively, use vinegar and warm water in equal ratios and scrub clean with a non-abrasive cleaning brush and rinse well.

Hydrogen peroxide and citric acid are also good cleaning agents to use.

Should You Wash Your Carafe?

Yes, you should clean your coffee carafe after every use just as you would clean your coffee cup after you use it. A dirty coffee carafe will not produce the best tasting coffee.

Does Vinegar Clean Coffee Carafe?

Yes, vinegar of all types can be used to clean your coffee carafe, including:

  • Balsamic Vinegar.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Malt Vinegar.
  • Rice Vinegar.
  • +More.

The best type of vinegar to use is distilled white vinegar due to the cost and availability of it to buy in bulk.

How Much Vinegar Do You Use To Clean A Coffee Carafe?

The amount of vinegar that you need to use to clean your coffee carafe cannot be expressed as quantity as there are different sizes of carafe.

It is best that you use a 50% vinegar and 50% water solution.

Does Vinegar Remove Coffee Stains?

Yes, distilled white vinegar is a great stain remover and can be used to remove burnt-in-hardened coffee stain on your coffee machine and on your clothes.

With clothes, make a cleaning solution of white vinegar and liquid detergent and soak the stain in the solution for 30 min to an hour. It will lift the coffee stain.

Final Thoughts – How To Clean Ninja Coffee Maker Carafe

If you have read this, all that is left for you to do is to stock up on your cleaning supplies and get to work and get your carafe shining like new, you’ll soon see that learning how to clean Ninja coffee maker carafe is more than worth it.

Join our fun and friendly coffee community and share your coffee carafe cleaning secrets with your fellow coffee lovers. Is there a special cleaning solution or technique that you use? Tell us! Find us on Facebook/Meta.

Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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