What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte

What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte?

If you want to know what is the difference between a cappuccino and a latte, this is the article for you as I detail both drinks and talk about how two coffees made with the same ingredients can have different flavors and textures.

Keep reading for the details.

What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte?

While a cappuccino and a latte are both made with the same basic ingredients, espresso and whole fat steamed milk, they are two very different coffee beverages with a different texture, mouthfeel and flavor.

The best way to emphasize the difference between the two drinks is to have a look at how these two popular espresso drinks are constructed.

  • Cappuccino: An espresso based coffee drink made with a single espresso shot, an equal amount of steamed milk and milk foam all in equal amounts. Topped with a sprinkling of chocolate powder.
  • Latte: An espresso based coffee beverage that is made with a shot of espresso coffee and twice as much steamed milk. A fine layer of milk foam and is famed for its latte art on top.

Both can be considered as a milky coffee, with a latte having more milk due to the higher ratio as it is made with an espresso to milk ratio of 1:2 while a cappuccino is made with an espresso to milk ratio of 1:1.

The difference in construction produces a different textures and flavors as a latte has a creamy rich flavor with a light presence of coffee piercing through the milk. It has a rich silky texture.

A cappuccino has a bolder, stronger and more prominent flavor of coffee due to the more focused espresso to milk ratio. The pillow of milk froth on top creates an airy, light and bubbly and fun mouthfeel and texture.

What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte Coffee
A Beautiful Latte With Latte Art

Read: How many shots in a latte?

Which Is Stronger: Latte Or Cappuccino?

Both a latte and a cappuccino have the same amount of caffeine as they are both made with the same type and amount of coffee, an espresso shot.

The amount of caffeine will vary based on the number of shots of espresso that either of these popular coffee drinks have. A latte or cappuccino made with a single shot of espresso will have 75 mg of caffeine and 150 mg of caffeine when they are made with a double shot.

In terms of flavor, the stronger coffee flavor is from the cappuccino due to the equal ratio of espresso to milk.

Cappuccino Vs Latte Calories

Due to more milk being used and the greater sugar content due to the greater amount of milk sugars and fat from the milk, a latte has the greater calories count.

Check the table below for the amount of calories that you can expect in both types of coffee drinks and for the popular drink sizes.

Beverage SizeCappuccino CaloriesLatte Calories
Short 8 Oz (240 ml)70100
Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)100150
Grande 16 Oz (480 ml)140190
Venti 20 Oz (600 ml)200250

If you are on a diet and watching your calorie intake, obviously smaller drink sizes are better, and a cappuccino is the better choice for you.

Cappuccino Vs Latte Calories
A Cappuccino

Read: What is the difference between a latte and cappuccino?

How Much Milk In A Latte ml

The amount of milk used to make a latte or a cappuccino depends on the number of espresso shots used to make each of the drinks.

Single shot of espresso:

  • Latte: 30 ml (1 Oz) espresso, 60 ml (2 Oz) milk.
  • Cappuccino: 30 ml (1 Oz) espresso, 30 ml (1 Oz) milk.

Double shot of espresso:

  • Latte: 60 ml (2 Oz) espresso, 120 ml (4 Oz) milk.
  • Cappuccino: 60 ml (2 Oz) espresso, 60 ml (2 Oz) milk.

Difference Between Cappuccino And Latte And Flat White

These three coffee drinks, a flat white, latte and a cappuccino, are often mistaken for each other. I’m not at all surprised as they look very similar.

Understanding how each is made and constructed will give you a much better understanding of their differences.

  • Latte: A milky coffee beverage made with a single or double shot of espresso and steamed milk. Twice as much milk as coffee is used to make this drink.
  • Cappuccino: The classic Italian coffee drink. It is made with espresso, steamed milk and a milk foam layer using a ratio of 1:1:1.
  • Flat White: A popular coffee drink from down under with much debate as to its origins, Australia or New Zealand. It is made with a double ristretto and a ristretto to milk ratio of 1:2.

A flat white is the strongest of the three coffees with a caffeine content of 130 mg compared to 75 mg of both a latte and a cappuccino. It is also the strongest tasting even though a ristretto to milk ratio of 1:2 is used.

The reason behind the more dominant coffee flavor is the use of two shots of a more focused type of espresso drink, a ristretto.

A ristretto is made with a coffee to water ratio of 1:1 and is smaller than an espresso.

  • Ristretto: Coffee to water ratio of 1:1, typically 20 ml (2/3rd of an Oz).
  • Espresso: Coffee to water ratio of 1:2, typically 30 ml (1 Oz).

A ristretto can be described as a more focused and concentrated espresso.

Frequently Asked Questions About What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte

Which Is Sweeter Cappuccino Or Latte?

 A latte is sweeter than a cappuccino due to more steamed milk being used to make the drink. The extra sweetness comes from the milk sugars. A latte is made with an espresso to milk ratio of 1:2 while a cappuccino uses an equal ratio of espresso and steamed milk and a layer of foam on top, thus twice as much milk is used in a latte than a cappuccino.

This is the standard ratios for each drink that all coffee shops adhere to.

Is Latte More Caffeine Than Cappuccino?

No, both a latte and a cappuccino are made with a single or double shot of espresso and therefore by definition have the same caffeine content, which is 75 mg of caffeine if a single shot of espresso is used and 150 mg of caffeine if a double shot is used.

Are Cappuccinos Healthier Than Lattes?

Yes, but only slightly so. The reason that a cappuccino is slightly healthier than a latte is due to only half as much steamed milk being used and thus has less sugar, fat and calories than a caffè latte.

Read: What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

Is A Cappuccino Just A Latte With Chocolate?

No, there are more distinct differences between a latte and cappuccino than a sprinkling of chocolate on top. The ratio of espresso to milk is different, which is 1:1 in a cappuccino and 1:2 in a latte and the amount of foamed milk used. A cafe latte has only a fine layer of foamed milk while a cappuccino has much larger foamed milk later on top which alters the texture of the coffee drink.

Which Tastes Better Cappuccino Or Latte?

Coffee is a very personal thing and how one person enjoys their coffee is different from another and which is best is entirely subjective. If you enjoy your coffee with a rich silky mouthfeel and creamy texture, the high ratio of milk to coffee a latte will be much better for you. If you prefer a strong and bolder strong coffee taste, a cappuccino will be better for you.

Is A Cappuccino Hotter Than A Latte?

There is very little difference in temperature, if any, between both beverages. Both are made with a shot of espresso which is brewed at the same temperature and both are milky coffee drinks with the steamed milk heated to the same temperature.

If there is a difference in temperature, the difference is minimal and not one that you will notice at all.

Between the two, a cappuccino is hotter due to less milk being used with the milk being heated to a temperature that is lower than the espresso shot and therefore a reduced reduction in temperature when it is poured.


the pillow of milk foam on top of the drink will drink warmer for longer. In brief, the reason a cappuccino is slightly hotter is the reduced coffee to milk ratio when compared to a latte.

What Do Baristas Sprinkle On Top Of A Cappuccino?

 Baristas sprinkle chocolate or cocoa powder on top of a cappuccino. It is not uncommon for chocolate shavings to be used.

Why Don t Italians Drink Cappuccino After A Meal?

Italians have two rules regarding a cappuccino: one is not to drink a cappuccino after a meal, the other is to not drink a cappuccino after midday. The reason behind both is the same, milk is believed to be heavy on the stomach and thus milky drinks are avoided after midday and after a meal.

Final Thoughts – What Is The Difference Between A Cappuccino And A Latte?

I hope that I have answered that question, What is the difference between a cappuccino and a latte, perfectly for you and that you have a complete understanding of how these two drinks are very different.

If you have any questions about a latte or a cappuccino, simply ask, and I will answer all questions received.

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or Derek@LatteLoveBrew.com, mentioning your name and location

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