Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters The Best Ones Listed!

Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters? The Best Ones Listed!

Last updated on November 28th, 2023 at 15:18

Want to know which coffee makers use cone filters? Well, right here I have a list of what coffee machines use cone filters.

If your coffee maker, or the one that you have your eye on is not on this list in this article, don’t make any assumptions that it uses a filter of another type of filter than a cone filter.

This list is not a fully comprehensive list of cone filter coffee makers – that is simply impossible and would lead to an article that is far too long.

Let’s crack on with this and start naming those cone filter coffee machine.

Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters?

Let’s get right to it and start to list some of those very machines. The following coffee makers use paper cone filters.

  • 1.Technivorm Moccamaster.
  • 2. Wilfa Classic Plus.
  • 3. Mellitta AromaElegance.
  • 4. Smarter Coffee Smart Coffee Maker (paper cone or mesh basket)
  • 5. Chemex Ottomatic.
  • 6. DeLonghi Clessidra.
  • 7. Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Coffee Maker 49618
  • 8. Hamilton Beach 12 Cup programmable Coffee Maker 46290
  • 9. Azrum Okka OK004N Minio 4 in 1 Turkish Coffee Maker
  • 10. Mr Coffee 12 Cup Switch Coffee Maker.
  • 11. KRUPS Savoy Programmable Thermal Coffee Maker
  • 12. Brim 8 Cup Pour Over Coffee Maker
  • 13. Cuisinart Brew Central 12 Cup Programmable Coffee Maker
  • 14 BrewSense 10 Cup Drip Coffee Maker With Thermal Carafe KF7175SI
  • 15. Braun BrewSense 12 Cup Drip Coffee Maker KF6050WH
  • 16 Nina 12 Cup Programmable Brewer.

These are the 16 most popular coffee machines that use a cone filter.

Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters
A more traditional cone drip filter coffee

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How To Use Cone Coffee Filters

There are a number of ways to use a paper cone coffee filter. The paper coffee filter is one of the most common and best known methods for brewing coffee. Literally, a drip brew coffee machine would not exist without them.

To be clear, a drip coffee brewer may not need a paper filter as some come with and use a mesh brew basket that acts as a filter. The basket geometries and basket shapes vary depending on the model and make of the drip machine.

Once you have filled up the water tank and set up your drip coffee machine, simply place the paper filter into the flip-open or pull-out compartments, the two most common configurations, and put the cone filter into place. If it needs the use of a paper filter, then open the filter and put it inside.

Wet your paper filter first with hot water to help it stay in shape and stick to the holder. Weigh and measure the amount of coffee that you need and put it into the filter.

Close your coffee machine filter door and switch on your machine.

How To Use Cone Coffee Filters
Chemex makes great filter coffee

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Do All Coffee Machines Use Filters?


pretty much all coffee machines use a filter of some kind. Classic drip coffee makers use paper, cloth, or mesh filters. Coffee urns use a mesh coffee basket, Siphon coffee makers and French coffee makers use a metal mesh filter or cloth filter and your professional espresso maker has a filter in the portafilter.

Coffee, real unprocessed coffee is not soluble. Coffee is only made soluble after it has been processed.

Do All Coffee Machines Use Filters
The portafilter is a coffee filter

Can I Use Cone Filter In Basket Coffee Maker?

Assuming the question is relating to using a cone filter in a flat basket coffee maker, the answer is no, you cannot use cone filters in a flat basket coffee maker. You cannot use a cone filter in place of a flat filter to make a pot of coffee at all.

Can I Use A Cone Coffee Filter In My Coffee Maker?


if your coffee maker is designed to be used with a cone-shaped coffee filter, then you can not only use one, you absolutely should use one with one caveat – that it is designed to be used with a paper cone filter.

If it is not designed to be used with a paper filter, then you are good to go to use the cone shaped mesh filter which will make slightly better coffee.

Paper filters of any shape or size filter out the coffee oils which result in your coffee not being as tasty as it should or can be.

Why Are Cone Filters Better?

Cone filters are preferred by many coffee experts and enthusiasts for making drip coffee and pour over coffee. The reason for this is a very even distribution of water through the coffee grounds. An even distribution is important for a good quality cup of coffee.

What Is The Difference Between #2 And #4 Coffee Filter?

The number of a filter is an indication of both the shape and the size of the filter. You absolutely must use the correct filter size and shape for your machine as different coffee machines need different filter size and shape. To aid your machine in being more efficient and better quality coffee, you need to use the correct filter.

The best way to find out which filter size for your machine is to check the user manual. If you have lost it, you will need the make and model number and contact customer service or search on Google.

Often it is stated on your machine somewhere which filter you should use.

Normally, a #2 filter is for use with a machine of 2 to 6 cup capacity or of 1 to 2 cup non-electric coffee makers. Usually, a size #4 coffee filter is for use with a coffee machine that is much larger than 8 to 12 cup coffee machines.

What Is The Difference Between Bleached And Unbleached Coffee Filters?

The bleached coffee filters have been bleached with a small amount of chlorine or undergone oxygen bleaching to whiten the paper. The process of oxygen bleaching the filters reduces the manufacturing process and is said to be better overall for the environment than chlorine bleaching.

Unbleached coffee filters are not as bright in color and, for the environmental issue, they are better for the environment than both the chlorine and oxygen bleached coffee filters. They also require less processing than bleached filters.

More often than not, the brown filters that you find are unbleached as paper in its natural form is brown.

During the taste test there is a slight difference, as with unbleached filters there is a papery note and a hint to your coffee.

Regardless of which filter you use, be it bleached, unbleached or recycled, you should always rise your filter in hot water prior to using it to help reduce any papery notes.

What Is The Difference Between Bleached And Unbleached Coffee Filters
Note how white the filter is

Are Paper Coffee Filters Bad For You?

Filter coffee with a paper filter is said to be a little healthier for you than metal filters as they have been shown to reduce the cafestol content, which is one of the coffee oils and thus reduce your cholesterol levels.

Frequently Asked Questions About Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters

Which Is Better Cone Or Flat Coffee Filter?

Which is better is entirely subjective and based on opinion. The shape of a coffee filter influences the amount of total dissolved solids from the coffee grounds and changes the flavor profile of the coffee.

A flat-bottomed coffee filter will have a lower total amount of total dissolved solids and have sweeter flavor notes like fruits, florals, and honey.

A cone filter has a higher amount of total dissolved solids in your coffee and has darker, earthier tones like cocoa, dried fruit, smoke and umami.

Are Cone Shaped Coffee Makers Better?

Yes, the advantage of a cone filter is that they give a fuller, deeper and more complete flavor due to having a higher amount of total dissolved solids.

This is due to the way in which the flow of water through coffee particles and the increased contact time the water has with the coffee. This leads to enhanced coffee ground saturation and extraction.

What Sort Of Filter Do Most Coffee Makers Use?

Based on sales volume, more coffee makers are sold every year that use a cone shaped filter. This is correlated and confirmed by the greater number of sales per year for conical coffee filters than flat bottomed coffee filters.

What Kind Of Filters Does Ninja Coffee Maker Use?

The Ninja coffee bar comes with a permanent coffee filter, and thus you do not need to replace it. The permanent coffee filter is flat-bottomed.

What Grind Is Best For Cone Filters?

The grind size does not correlate with the type of filter that you are using, be it a cone filter or a flat-bottomed filter. The grind size varies depending on the brewing method that you are using and the type of coffee, and not the shape or size of your filter.

Does Coffee Filter Type Matter?


the shape of your filter will directly influence how much total dissolved solids get into your final cup of coffee and thus matters a lot as you will be two very different tasting cups of coffee that are both perfectly brewed.

Also, the type of filter material will play its role too as different material has a different effect on how much coffee oils make their way into your cup of coffee and produce a different tasting coffee.

A paper filter will absorb and remove all the coffee oils and result in a crisp and clean tasting cup of coffee.

A metal filter will not filter any of the coffee oils. You’ll end up with a full-bodied and bolder tasting coffee.

A cotton cloth filter will result in a middle ground between a paper filter and a metal filter and allow some of the oils to pass through. It’s not clean and crisp like a paper filter, but it is not deep and bold either.

Can I Use A Cone Filter In A Coffee Maker?

If your coffee maker is designed for using cone filters, you can use it; otherwise I recommend against it. A basket-shaped filter can be pulled to emulate a cone-shaped filter, but the reverse is not true. You can’t convert a cone filter to a flat-bottomed coffee filter.

Optimal results are achieved by using the correct filter for your machine.

Does It Matter What Coffee Filter You Use?

Yes, different types of coffee filters, their shape, size and material used to make them will have an effect on how your coffee tastes. Cotton cloth filters will remove only some coffee oils and remove some of the flavor, while a metal filter will remove none of the coffee oils, resulting in a fuller body. A paper filter will remove all the coffee oils and produce a coffee that results in a clean, crisp taste.

Even using the wrong shape of filter will affect the flavor as the flow rate and contact time that your hot water has with your coffee grounds changes.

Frappé-Ing It All Up! – Which Coffee Makers Use Cone Filters?

There are literally an infinite number of coffee makers that use cone filters, most of which are drip coffee makers or pour over coffee machines. Not all are automatic machines, some are the old-fashioned manual type.

Which Coffee Makers Use Cone FIlters – check the list of the most popular ones in the above section.

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or Derek@LatteLoveBrew.com, mentioning your name and location

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