Cascara Latte Calories - Get The Facts Here!

Cascara Latte Calories – Get The Facts Here!

It is important to know the cascara latte calories in order to stick to your diet and keep in shape and of course to help you to lose weight.

Keep reading to find out how many calories are in a cascara latte.

Cascara Latte Calories

Okay, so you’re on a diet or simply want to keep in shape, counting your calories and watching what you eat and drink is a great way to go.

The calorie content of a Starbucks cascara for all drink sizes is as follows:

  • Short 8 Oz (240 ml): 100 Calories.
  • Tall 12 Oz (360 ml): 150 Calorie.
  • Grande 16 Oz (480 ml): 200 Calories.
  • Venti 20 Oz (600 ml): 240 Calories.

In a calorie controlled diet, it is easy to see that an average of 3 cups of coffee per day will range from 300 calories to 720, be careful of the drink size that you order and the extra calories that come with it.

Cascara Latte Calories
Cascara, Coffee Bean Skins

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Coconutmilk Cascara Latte

A coconut milk cascara latte is tasty, delicious and different from other flavored lattes that you have tried.

It’s coffee flavored with a syrup made from the outer skin of the shell that encapsulates the coffee bean. Cascara syrup is difficult to find and to make it at home you need to make it yourself.

If you make the syrup at home, use cascara sugar instead of regular sugar for a more authentic and deeper flavor.

Use equal amounts of cascara sugar and filtered water and a tablespoon of cascara and heat gently for 5 min at a low heat to help sugar to fully dissolve into the water and your cascara to extract the flavors into your syrup.

Starbucks Coconut Milk Latte

It is only normal to talk about both a Starbucks coconut milk latte and a cascara latte together as both are very similar drinks with the difference between both drinks being the use of the cascara syrup to flavor a cascara latte.

Of course, the use of the sprinkling of cascara sugar in a straight line to decorate makes it easy to tell both drinks apart.

Curiously, this is something that is missing for many coffee shops for a coconut latte: a sprinkle of coconut flakes to decorate it and bring around a different texture and more of a coconut flavor.

As a matter of fact, the coconut milk used in Starbucks drinks is a single origin coconut sourced from Sumatra, Indonesia.

Starbucks Coconut Milk Latte
Starbucks Use Sumatran Coconuts

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Coconut Milk Latte: Starbucks Calories

The coconut milk latte from Starbucks has the same amount of calories as a cascara latte as the basic ingredients are the same which are:

  • Espresso coffee.
  • Steamed coconut milk.
  • Flavored syrup.

The only difference in their construction is the flavored syrup that is used, coconut or cascara.

The number of calories in a coconut latte for all drink sizes is as follows:

  • Short 8 Oz (240 ml): 100 Calories.
  • Tall 12 Oz (360 ml): 150 Calorie.
  • Grande 16 Oz (480 ml): 200 Calories.
  • Venti 20 Oz (600 ml): 240 Calories.

Grande Coconut Milk Latte Starbucks Calories

The total calorie content of a Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) has 200 calories per serving.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cascara Latte Calories

How Many Calories In A Coconutmilk Latte From Starbucks?

A coconut milk latte from Starbucks has 100 calories in a Tall 12 ounce (360 ml) serving and 140 calories in a 16 ounce (480 ml) grande serving size.

How Many Kcal In A Starbucks Latte?

The amount of calories in a Starbuck latte made with 2% milk ranges from 100 calories to 250 calories depending on the drink size.

Check the table below for details.

Beverage Size Starbucks Latte Calories
Short 8 Oz (240 ml)100 calories
Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)150 calories
Grande 16 Oz (480 ml)190 Calories
Venti 20 Oz (600 ml).250 Calories

The calorie count will change when you alter the type of milk that you use. You have ample non-dairy milk options of oat milk, soy milk, almond milk and coconut milk.

Read: Cascara latte

Does Cascara Have Calories?

Yes, the calorie count of cascara varies on the variety and the brand that is sold to you by your local coffee shop or supermarket.

The calorie count ranges from 26 to 40 calories per cup.

What Is The Lowest Calorie Milk?

The milk with the lowest calorie count is skim milk, also known as nonfat milk. All the fat has been removed without too much change to the protein content.

Which Milk Has The Least Calories At Starbucks?

There are many milk options available at Starbucks. Here is a list of their milks and calorie content from lowest to highest:

  • Almond Milk: 30 calories.
  • Coconut Milk: 40 Calories.
  • Nonfat Milk: 40 Calories.
  • 2% Milk: 65 Calories.
  • Soy Milk: 65 Calories.
  • Oat Milk: 70 Calories.
  • Whole Fat Milk: 75 Calories.

Is Coconut Milk High In Calories?

Yes, coconut milk is high in calories. Even though it is a calorie dense food, it is a high quality food with 93% of the calories coming from the healthy medium chain triglycerides.

What Is The Lowest Calorie Cappuccino Or Latte?

Between a cappuccino and latte, it is a cappuccino that has the lower calorie count as less milk is used to make a cappuccino.

A cappuccino is made with an espresso to milk ratio of 1:1 with an equal amount of milk foam. A latte is made with an espresso to milk ratio of 1:2 with a fine cap of steamed milk.

Check the table below and see how much calories are in a cappuccino and a latte.

Beverage Size Starbucks Latte CaloriesStarbucks Cappuccino Calories 
Short 8 Oz (240 ml)100 calories70 calories
Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)150 calories100 calories
Grande 16 Oz (480 ml)190 Calories140 calories
Venti 20 Oz (600 ml).250 Calories200 calories

The additional calories in a latte are due to the additional calories in the milk used and the milk sugars.

Is Cascara High In Caffeine?

No, cascara, despite coming from the coffee plant, is low in caffeine, having only ¼ of the caffeine content of a regular cup of coffee and half as much as regular tea.

Final Thoughts – Cascara Latte Calories

Knowing the cascara latte calories for all drink sizes is good help stick to a good healthy diet and maintain or lose weight.

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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