Wet Cappuccino - All You Need To Know!

Wet Cappuccino – All You Need To Know!

Last updated on January 22nd, 2024 at 13:10

Due to the different names and definitions, everyone is asking what a wet cappuccino is. There are different naming cultures, traditions and variations of this classic and popular Italian coffee beverage.

A wet cappuccino is also known as a classic cappuccino, traditional cappuccino and Italian cappuccino. I also talk about dry, bone dry and super wet cappuccinos also.

Keep reading to find out all you need to know about this amazing and tasty beverage!

What Is A Wet Cappuccino?

A wet cappuccino is the type of cappuccino that is served to you by your barista when you request the distinctive and tasty coffee beverage.

It is, by all means, a regular cappuccino with a different name. Brewed with an espresso shot, steamed milk and foam in equal ratios and is one of the many cappuccino variations with the other being a dry cappuccino, bone dry cappuccino and super wet cappuccino.

What Is A Wet Cappuccino
A Wet Cappuccino

Read: Wet cappuccino vs latte

Wet Cappuccino Taste

A wet cappuccino contains milk, espresso and steamed milk in equal proportions and has a bold coffee taste from the espresso with a degree of sweetness coming through from the milk sugars.

The texture from the full fat steamed milk gives a luxurious silky texture and a great mouth feel from the layer of microfoam.

What Is An Extra Wet Cappuccino

An extra wet cappuccino is a cappuccino that has more liquid milk than a wet cappuccino, 1.5x as much . The extra milk gives it a milkier taste and less of the bold coffee from the shot coming though.

The ratio of ingredients is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk and no milk froth, similar to a latte it is two-thirds milk.

The taste is creamier and milkier than a wet cappuccino due to more creamy milk being used in its creation with a somewhat subdued but subtle taste of the espresso shot.

Iced Wet Cappuccino

An iced wet cappuccino is a wet cappuccino with ice. It is made slightly differently as a stronger, more focused shot of espresso is pulled that is more akin to a ristretto to compensate for the melting ice as it is brewed over ice.

The rest of the drink is made in the same way as a wet cappuccino. It is a very nice and enjoyable beverage for hot days.

What Is The Difference Between A Wet And Dry CappuccinoWet Cappuccino vs Dry Cappuccino!

To get into the difference between a wet cappuccino and a dry cappuccino it is better to get granular and talk first about what the dry cappuccino variations are to help us all get a better understanding of the differences.

What Is A Dry Cappuccino?

A dry cappuccino is a classic or traditional cappuccino that is made with less milk, typically half as much.

It simply does not fall in line with the wet cappuccino milk ratios as it does not comply with the 1:1:1 ratio, which is also expressed as 1/3 espresso, 1/3 whole fat milk (steamed) and 1/3 fluffy foam milk.

The result of this slight difference is a stronger, bolder tasting cappuccino that has a more dominant taste from the shot. It also has a slightly dry texture due to the reduced milk content.

What Is A Dry Cappuccino
A Dry Cappuccino With Latte Art

Read: What is a bone dry cappuccino?

What Is An Extra Dry Cappuccino?

An extra dry cappuccino, it should be obvious what this is following the slight difference that a dry cappuccino has when compared to the wet variation of this beverage. It is of course a cappuccino with zero milk and two thirds milk foam.

The result of this is a drink that has the taste of an espresso shot that dominates the beverage and a very foamy, bubbly, light texture.

Wet Cappuccino vs Dry Cappuccino Their Differences Is The Taste

The greater amount of steamed milk used to make the wet variation of a cappuccino results in a sweeter and more blended flavor profile as the bold taste of the espresso is balanced with the milk which softens and makes the bold and bitter tones of a dark roast espresso shot more suave and smooth.


when you are making a wet cappuccino, less air is the milk due to a reduced amount of foam. This is the effect of a smoother texture.

For the dry version of this coffee beverage, the reduced amount of steamed milk liquid and the presence of the espresso is more dominant than a wet cappuccino. The less steamed milk liquid results in a richer, stronger flavor, which of course makes the bone dry variation the strongest tasting of all cappuccino drinks.

The additional air, more air added to the milk to create the milk foam results in a texture that is light and airy.

Wet Cappuccino Vs Flat White

A confusion that is often made is between a wet cappuccino and a flat white. These two differences are very subtle. The bigger confusion, and as a result, a slighter difference is with a super wet cappuccino and a flat white.

A flat white has a small cap of foam which is 1.5 mm. A wet cappuccino has a larger cap of foam, much larger. A super wet cappuccino has no foam.

The difference between these three drinks is very subtle with the foam being the most notable difference.

How Do You Make A Wet Cappuccino?

Making a wet cappuccino is easy to make, very easy to brew. The key to making a world-class beverage of this type is your ability to pull a great espresso shot and steaming your milk perfectly.

The better your equipment and the better your ingredients are, the better the end result will be. It is the chef’s principle.

To make a great wet cappuccino, you will need at least a home espresso machine with steam milk wand for steaming your milk.

The ingredients needed are high quality whole fat milk, your favorite specialty and grade dark roast coffee beans.

Wet Cappuccino
Wet Cappuccino

Read: Bone dry cappuccino

Making A Wet Cappuccino Like A Pro!

To make a top quality beverage we are going to use a coffee to water ratio of 1:1.5 for a good, strong shot.

This means that we are going to weigh 20 grams of whole beans and then grind them to a very fine grind in a ceramic burr grinder.

Pulling your 1 oz (30 ml) shot should take 25 seconds with a variation of plus or minus 5 seconds. If you are outside this timing, your shot will be less than perfect. Too fast, and it will have a sour, under extracted taste. Too slow, and it will taste overtly bitter.

Usually the problem with fast and slow pull times is down to the grind size. If your brew time (pull time) is too fast, adjust and try with a slightly smaller grind size to encourage greater contact with the water and coffee.

If it is too slow, try a slightly smaller grind to encourage your water to flow better and reduce the contact time.

If your grind is perfect and still has problems with brew time, the error could be with the water pressure, which should be 130 PSI (9 bars).

An indication of poor pressure is a low quality crema on top, assuming you are using freshly roasted dark oily beans.

When your shot is ready, steam your milk. Better still, while it is pouring.

Steam your milk by dipping the steam wand in your milk jug and tilt it. You should see a whirlpool effect. Move your wand up and down through the milk to ensure a good even steaming of your milk.

Froth your milk by dipping the nozzle just below the milk surface until you hear that ripping tearing sound of magazines, and you see your milk bubble and froth.

Now steam your milk and dip your wand deep into your milk to turn (mix) the froth into your milk for an extra silky texture.

Re-froth your milk.

Pour an equal amount of steamed into your shot of espresso and top the final third with milk foam.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wet Cappuccino

No, both a wet cappuccino (and a super wet cappuccino, for that matter) and a latte are different coffee beverages, each with a slightly different taste and texture.

A wet cappuccino is a standard cappuccino served by your barista when you just ask for a cappuccino. It is the classic cappuccino served with a shot of espresso and steamed milk and milk foam in equal ratios, a third each.

A super wet, also known as an extra wet cappuccino, is made with a shot of espresso, extra liquid milk and only a small hood of milk foam.

A latte is a popular espresso drink made with a shot of espresso and notably more steamed milk. It is made with one third espresso shot and two thirds steamed milk and only a small hood of milk foam.

What Is A Double Wet Cappuccino?

A double wet cappuccino is a wet cappuccino made with a double shot of espresso and double the milk and foam to keep the proportion of a wet cappuccino of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 rich steamed creamy milk and 1/3 airy milk foam.

A double wet cappuccino is not to be confused with a wet cappuccino with a double shot of espresso, which is a beverage that breaks with the 1:1:1 ratios and produces a cappuccino with a bolder, more dominating taste from the espresso shot.

Yes, despite the claims that there is no such thing as a cappuccino without foam or that an extra wet (also known as super wet) cappuccino does not exist, or that this beverage description is a latte is simply not true.

A super wet cappuccino (a cappuccino without foam) is distinctively different from a latte. Both drinks look the same and are made in almost exactly the same way, with only one subtle difference, a super wet cappuccino has no layer of milk foam while a latte has a small layer of milk foam.

As a result of this tiny difference, the texture and taste is slightly different in each of these two beverages.

The foam on a cappuccino and other coffee drinks goes by a number of different names including:

  • Milk foam.
  • Microfoam.
  • Foamed milk.
  • Steamed milk foam.
  • Milk froth.
  • Frothy milk.

There is no standard name, although the last two frothy milk and milk froth does not particularly refer to the process of steaming the milk to create the foam, it refers to the technique of frothing with a blender or special handheld milk wand or machine for making the froth.

Which Has More Foam Cappuccino Or Latte?

A cappuccino has more foam than a latte. A latte typically only has a little bit of milk foam. A cappuccino also has a more dominant espresso flavor than a latte.

How Much Milk Is In A Cappuccino?

As a ratio there is 1/3 milk, 1/3 espresso and 1/3 foam in a cappuccino. Assuming a 1 oz (30 ml) standard shot of espresso there will be 30 ml (1 oz) of milk and 1 oz (30 ml) by volume of foam.

Final Thoughts – Wet Cappuccino

I do believe i have covered the subject of wet cappuccino in detail and comprehensively. If I am missing anything, contact us, and I’ll happily fill in any gaps this article is missing.

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or Derek@LatteLoveBrew.com, mentioning your name and location

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