What Is Starbucks Classic Syrup

The Top 10 Most Popular Coffee Flavors – Amazing Unique Coffee Flavors

Last updated on May 20th, 2024 at 11:55

Nothing is more impressive and there is no greater ending to a well-organized dinner party than having your guests complimenting your great food, your cooking skills and then blowing them apart with world-class flavored coffee and lattes, and that is exactly what this article is about, the most popular coffee flavors. 

When you know what the most popular coffee flavors are and some of the most unique ones, you can impress your guests and your friends with an absolutely stunning cup of coffee.

Let’s get rocking on with this article and get talking about popular flavors of coffee, starting with some….

Unique Coffee Flavors

Having traveled a fair bit and had the pleasure of what is, in my opinion, the world’s most unique coffee cultures, almost a coffee counter culture in Vietnam I am more than familiar with very different types of coffee and coffee flavors.

I’m going to start this with my Top 10 Unique Vietnamese coffee flavors. They do have a special place in coffee culture and thus their own list.

  • 1. Coconut Coffee (Caphe Dua)
  • 2. Avocado Coffee.
  • 3. Egg Coffee (Ca phe Trung). 
  • 4. Strawberry Coffee
  • 5. Oreo Coffee
  • 6. Orange Coffee
  • 7. Tonic Coffee
  • 8. Yoghurt Coffee
  • 9. Banana Coffee.
  • 10 Coca-Cola Coffee.

These 10 amazing flavors all come from the South East Asian nation of Vietnam and are absolutely delights for your taste buds and an incredible invention.

It is pretty hard to decide which is best; my own personal favorite flavor is a tough contest between Avocado and Coconut. The Vietnamese take the actual fruit, blend it into a smoothie and make a double shot of espresso with a shot of condensed milk, blend that together and mix it with the fruit in the blender.

The result is an amazing coffee come fruit smoothie or a coffee with 100% natural flavors. It is worth noting these are not taken as a latte or served as such with milk, not all! More like a fruit smoothie with a double shot of espresso.

Unique Coffee Flavors
Avocado, Makes An Excellent Coffee

Read: What is Starbucks classic syrup?

t’s the Vietnamese way of getting a good healthy breakfast or a quick between means snack that is quick, nutritious, healthy and a great pick me up.

The world-famous egg coffee (Caphe trung) is, in essence, Tiramisu in a cup! A finely whisked egg, a dash of condensed milk, a double shot of espresso served like a latte and sprinkled with chocolate powder.

Tonic coffee might sound unusual, and the idea is. It is simply brewing coffee with Indian tonic water. The result is rather surprising, refreshing and sparkling.

Very eyebrow raising is the orange coffee, which is made with freshly squeezed orange juice which is poured into your double shot of espresso with the pulp. It’s coffee with an obvious fruity taste and a very nice, and unexpected texture.

The Vietnamese Oreo coffee is made with a double shot of espresso, a shot of condensed milk and Oreo biscuits are added and one or two to decorate.

Alternate ways are using a scoop of Oreo ice cream and biscuits.

Coca-cola coffee, yes, you can buy this ready-made in a bottle or can. An original from Vietnam, which I have since seen in Spain and been told of its rare existence in Thailand. It is a coffee with a distinctive cola taste.

Despite not being a fan of soft drinks I have to admit this one has a good taste, it’s nice and has one hell of a caffeine kick if you attempt to make your own!

(To think I missed out the famed salt coffee).

Coca Cola Coffee
Coca-Cola Coffee, try it!

Read: Flavor swirl Vs flavor shot

Now you see why I call Vietnam a unique and amazing coffee counter-culture, one you will never see anywhere else!

If you have – please do tell us by letting us know in our cool coffee community.

Note: The vast majority of Vietnamese coffee is made with locally grown robusta beans that are notably higher in caffeine and a reduced flavor profile that does not interfere with the fruit’s own flavor profile.

The Top 10 Unique Coffee Flavors (non-Vietnamese).

  • 1. Blueberry And Caramel Coffee
  • 2. Cotton Candy Coffee
  • 3. Tongkat Ali Coffee
  • 4. Root Beer latte
  • 5. Tiger Nut Milk Coffee.  
  • 6. Cannabis Coffee
  • 7. Durian Coffee
  • 8. Birds Nest Coffee
  • 9. Weasel Puke Coffee
  • 10. Weasel Poop Coffee (Kopi Luwak).
  • 11. Carajillo Coffee (Bonus!)

The root beer one I tried at home and is easy to make. A double shot of espresso, ice cream and root beer. Mix them together in your blender and add whipped cream.

What worked well for me in the second attempt was making a Caffe Americano and then mixing the rest of the ingredients, putting an extra scoop of ice cream and pouring a little extra black coffee over the ice cream.

A good deal of the coffee flavor comes through with a nice mix of root beer and vanilla taste.

Cannabis coffee is more common than you may think, and I am not talking about illegal stuff here but CBD or Hemp coffee. You can buy premade instant powder, or you can make your own by flavoring your beans by using CBD or hemp oil, but this is the expensive option as you will end up using all of your oil to make a pound (454 grams) of coffee.

Cannabis Coffee
Cannabis Coffee

Tongkat Ali coffee, a Malaysian favorite and perhaps catching the attention of gym fans the world over. It is not something you can make on your own as Tongkat Ali powder is not soluble. Available only as instant powdered coffee, often with Gynostemma mushroom, a truly healthy coffee.

What is easy to make is a blueberry and caramel latte! It is entirely your choice to use flavored syrup or the berries and emulate the Vietnamese. If you are making a Vietnamese style one, use condensed milk and be less of a latte.

What health fanatic is not going to run out and enjoy a blueberry coffee!

Another Malaysian favorite is durian coffee. This is not made naturally but with powdered instant coffee. Durian is an acquired taste. You either hate it or love it. I do warn, the smell fills the room. It has a very strong aroma and a strong flavor.

Simply brew a double shot of espresso, add a tablespoon of blueberry syrup and a tablespoon of caramel syrup to 8 ounces (240 ml) of milk and mix well. Steam your milk and ensure the flavor is well mixed into your milk.

Pour your espresso double shot into a tall glass and add your milk and syrup mixture. Add some frothy milk and add a drizzle of caramel.

Cotton candy coffee is something that is sold in a coffee shop I have seen in Texas. It is not a powdered instant coffee or made using flavored syrup. It is made in the regular way with flavored coffee beans.

Bird Spit coffee, also known as Birds Nest Coffee, a very strange Asian coffee I came across in China and Malaysia. It is literally made out of Swiftlet nests, who use their saliva to make the nest. The nest is brewed with coffee to make their cuppa Joe.

I have never tried this as a coffee, but I tried the Birds Nest drink, which is alright tasting…honest.

Kopi Luwak, weasel poop coffee, is coffee brewed after the animal has eaten and, well, pooped it out. The beans are then cleaned and roasted.

Organic Weasel poop coffee from Chang Dao, Thailand is the world’s most expensive coffee selling for, at current price of US$200 per kilo. And they sell it in some coffee shops for US$50 per cup.

Kopi Luwak
The Most Expensive Coffee In The World.

Weasel puke coffee is the undigested remnants taken from the inside of a weasel’s mouth and then roasted and brewed.

A carajillo coffee, something I have served hundreds of times while living in Spain is classically a caffe Americano with a slug of brandy, although strictly speaking any alcoholic liquor can be added. The Italians love to add Grappa.

Tiger nut milk coffee, Café Valencia, is the regional variation of Café Bombon and is coffee made with condensed tiger nut milk coffee instead of condensed milk. It is certainly an acquired taste and be careful not to use too much horchata (tiger nut milk).

Unmentioned unusual coffee flavors include elephant dung coffee, Brazilian Jacu bird poop coffee, Vanilla flavored monkey spit coffee, coffee and cheese and salt coffee.

(seriously there is some weird coffee out there, not forgetting bacon and pork flavored coffee (what the actual…).

The Top 10 Most Popular Coffee Flavors

Let’s now talk about the ten most popular coffee flavors. These are all top class gourmet coffee flavors. Literally, I can see you rushing out to make these at home with either Starbucks own high quality syrup or, in my opinion and experience, Torani and their finest quality syrup and their sugar-free options.

As a coffee drinker and coffee lover, you will just love all of these Top 10 popular coffee flavors.

  • 1. Pumpkin Spice Latte.
  • 2. French Vanilla.
  • 3. Amaretto
  • 4. Peppermint.
  • 5. Butterscotch. 
  • 6. Caramel Macchiato.
  • 7. Highlander Grogg
  • 8. Hazelnut Latte & Hazelnut Macchiato
  • 9. Butter Pecan Latte
  • 10. Almond Flavor coffee

Nothing tells coffee aficionados that you love them by gently whispering three sweet words in their ears “Pumpkin spice latte”.

Surprisingly, they are very easy to make and make improvements to the taste and flavor based on your own personal preferences. By far, the best and easiest way of mimicking Starbucks’s famed seasonal latte is to use high-quality coffee beans and syrup.

Simply make it with a double shot of espresso and 2 tablespoons of pumpkin-flavored syrup. Mix the syrup into your milk, steam it and pour over your espresso shots. Serve it in a tall glass and top with frothy milk.

To make it even better, what I love, add a tablespoon of French vanilla syrup and top with whipped cream.

Pumkin spice latte
Who Does Not Love A Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Who does not love the taste and sweetness of caramel flavor in coffee – amazing. To make it as a latte, follow the instructions above for the pumpkin spice latte. Replace the pumpkin spice syrup with caramel syrup.

This, for what it is worth, was the first cup of coffee I ordered at Starbucks, a Caramel Macchiato. Coffee, caramel and a chocolaty flavor.

French Vanilla is another popular flavor of coffee. I have found, based on my own taste preferences, that this does not work so well when you have a strong coffee flavor coming through and works excellently well with medium roasts instead of dark roasts.

As always, use good quality coffee beans. To make the best French vanilla coffee, ditch the high quality syrup for this one, as an avid coffee drinker, and blogger, I know!

Make your own beans by taking two French vanilla pods, splitting them and then cutting them in half. Then take your coffee beans and put your vanilla pods in with them and give your airtight coffee canister a good shake to distribute them evenly.

Leave for 24 to 36 hours and brew a coffee using them and viola you have naturally flavored coffee beans. This technique works for all flavors.

If you need a stronger vanilla flavor, just keep your vanilla pods with your coffee beans for longer. Once they are ready, remove the pods. If you forget to remove the pods, you will end up with an overpowering flavor that is perhaps too strong.

Vanilla Pods
Vanilla Pods

Amaretto coffee is surprisingly delicious, and you have a variety of options when it comes to making it.

Option 1: Put a slug of Amaretto in your coffee just as the Spanish would their carajillo.

Option 2: Buy Amaretto flavored syrup and put 2 tablespoons in your latte. Follow the instructions above.

The third option leaves you with both Amaretto-flavored coffee beans and coffee flavored amaretto.

Use a glass container to put in an ample amount of coffee beans, enough to make a few cups of coffee, half a pound of (228 grams) should be enough.

Fill your glass container with Amaretto, leaving at least a full 3 to 4 fingers at the bottom. Initially, your coffee beans will float. Let your coffee beans soak in the liquor. When they are ready, they should sink due to absorbing the liquid.

Pat dry your beans with a clean cloth or paper towels and store your beans in an airtight coffee canister. Brewing a coffee with your naturally flavored Amaretto beans should taste great and with your amaretto, you can still enjoy it with a slight coffee taste.

This technique you can use to make amazing bourbon coffee, Jack Daniel’s or any liquor that you so wish.

You Can Also Make Your Own Liquor Coffee

Peppermint flavored coffee is great, and does not have to be seasonal. You can make this at any time of year by using fresh peppermint leaves and making flavored coffee beans, buying peppermint syrup or, should you so want to, use the Carajillo and adding a shot of peppermint schnapps to your coffee.

….And with the schnapps, you have the option of using the same technique as above, ending up with both coffee-flavored peppermint schnapps and peppermint-flavored coffee.

The buttery sweetness and buttery taste of butterscotch coffee is just like…wow! That is the magic of melted butter and adding brown sugar. Mixing well and adding it to your coffee makes for an inspiring and heady concoction that coffee fans love.

This is by far the best made natural as the ingredients are easily available and it is so effortless to elaborate, and the natural taste just can’t be beaten.

Alternatively, you can have a look at Torani and their range of flavored butterscotch syrup, which is available both with sugar and sugar-free.

What I love is the ability to nicely tone down the acidity that strong coffee has. To get more of that butterscotch taste, brew it with light roast coffee beans.

Highlander Grogg, make this when you want your coffee to taste like a pancake breakfast, sweet, lovely and a syrup – like tang!

It’s an amazing flavor profile for your morning coffee and might just be the taste that gets you drinking your coffee black, sugar-free and milk free.

Caramel Macchiato is one coffee I absolutely adore. I love making a larger latte version with a tablespoon of dark chocolate syrup added to two tablespoons of caramel syrup, mixing them together in the milk to blend in the flavor. Steam your milk, stir well and add your double espresso to a large glass and pour your steamed milk in slowly.

Top off with frothy milk and sprinkle with a combination of chocolate powder and chocolate flakes.

For your chocolate option, get the best syrup you can find. You can use dark chocolate powder to sprinkle on and add white chocolate flakes. The combination will tantalize your taste buds.

Best Coffee Flavors Starbucks

I’ll be straight – I am not too much of a fan of Starbucks coffee due to being quite literally liquid cakes loaded with calories and sugar. There is no denying their popularity or the amazing wide range of coffee flavors.

This list of the ten best coffee flavors at Starbucks are all great tasting coffee drinks that you can make at home without excess sugar (use Torani sugar-free syrup) or calories.

  • 1. Honey Oat Milk Latte.
  • 2. Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • 3. Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso.
  • 4. Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino 
  • 5. Iced White Chocolate Mocha. / Toasted White Chocolate Mocha
  • 6. Irish Cream Cold Brew
  • 7. Pistachio Latte
  • 8. Chestnut Praline Latte.
  • 9. Iced Caramel Macchiato.
  • 10. Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew.

Honey oat milk latte is a tremendous coffee that you simply have to try! Honey oat milk is great with coffee and goes well with all roast profiles. A drop of honey instead of sugar makes it a true enjoyment.

Another one of the best coffee flavors from Starbucks is their iced chocolate almond milk shaken Espresso. A double shot is much more to my liking. The taste of the almond milk with malt chocolate mixed together and served over ice is great.

A single espresso shot due to the light taste of almond milk, you end up with a watery tasting coffee. The double shot of espresso sorts that out. Better still is to make this at home with a strong double shot and chocolate syrup instead of the powdered chocolate used by Starbucks.

Fans of frappés and frappuccino will love their cinnamon roll frappuccino. Every sip is loaded with flavor. It is low on caffeine, though.

Imagine this, a vanilla bean frappuccino, white mocha syrup, cinnamon dolce syrup and topped with cinnamon dolce powder.

(You don’t need to imagine it – head off to your nearest Starbucks and order it!)

I am a huge fan of cold brew, especially on a hot day! Never in my life would I have thought of brewing it with shot of Bailey’s Irish cream (thanks Sbucks!). Try it, better still try it with ice!

Another of their great cold brew concoctions is their salted caramel cold brew. I am not a fan of the idea of brewing a cold brew with added ingredients, but a shot of flavored syrup can do the trick.

Their pistachio latte is a lovely balance between savory and sweet. Nutty pistachio with an indulgent brown butter topping. You have probably seen the ads for it all over TikTok! Taste well with medium roasts and light roasts.

Best Flavored Coffee To Drink Black

I’m not at all a fan of putting flavored shots or anything into black coffee, something admittedly that I rarely drink.

Black coffee is best when you have single origin coffee and you can enjoy the tastes that are specific to the roast and the location.

More often, the best flavored coffee to drink black is light roast or blond roast.

  • 1. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee.
  • 2. Hawaiian Kona Coffee.
  • 3. Costa Rica Aurora Coffee. 
  • 4. Lifeboost Organic Light Roast Coffee. 
  • 5. Ethiopian Sidamo Guji Coffee. 
  • 6. Sumatran Volcanic Coffee. 
  • 7. Laos Mountain Coffee Italian Roast. 
  • 8. Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee. 
  • 9. Honduran Marcala Coffee. 
  • 10. Huila Region Colombian coffee. 

These can be enjoyed as an unusually refreshing espresso, French press or a pretty astounding cold brew.

Frequently Asked Questions About Most Popular Coffee Flavors

What Is The Most Popular Coffee Flavor?

The most popular coffee flavor based on sales volume is French vanilla. It’s a much loved and very familiar flavor to add to coffee all over the world.

What Is The Best Flavour For Coffee?

The best coffee flavor is very subjective and based on opinion and the type of coffee beans that you are using. For blonde roast, the light lingering flavor of vanilla is fantastic. For medium roasts hazelnut works much better to add nutty notes. For deep dark roast and cocoa, by far is the best flavor.

What Is The Most Popular Coffee In The World?

The most popular coffee based on the sales and the versatility is an espresso. An espresso may not be consumed directly as a straight shot as it forms the base for 50+ different coffee drinks that is forms the base of from latte to cappuccino, cortado, lungo, flat white and a lot more.

What Is The Most Common Coffee Order?

The most common, most popular coffee order is a latte both in Europe and in America.

Coffee is most popular in Finland where the average Finnish person drinks their way through 12 kg per person, drinking on average 4 cups per day.

The most common and popularly sold coffee at Starbucks is an iced caramel Macchiato.

Frappé-Ing It All Up, Most Popular Coffee Flavors

Undoubtedly, you know what the most popular coffee flavors that you can enjoy and, if you so want, you can make them at home and stun your guests.

I’m a sucker for healthy coffee in the morning which why I added the list of the top 10 most popular flavored coffee from Vietnam in the unusual coffee flavors.

The list of the top Coffees at Starbucks will help you to order an amazing cup of coffee.

Which was your favorite? What did you enjoy most? Did we miss out your favorite? Tell us on our social media channels!

Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or Derek@LatteLoveBrew.com, mentioning your name and location

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