How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Blonde Roast [All Drinks & Sizes]

How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Blonde Roast? [All Drinks & Sizes]

Last updated on January 22nd, 2024 at 13:31

Starbucks Blonde roast coffee is great, tasty and pretty punchy in the caffeine department, but just how much caffeine in Starbucks blonde roast? 

In this article, I detail exactly how much caffeine is in all the blonde roast beverages and for each of the drink sizes.

If you want to know how much caffeine is in a blonde roast flat white, latte, brewed coffee and espresso shot keep reading!

How Much Caffeine Is In Starbucks Blonde Roast?

Let’s get granular and get detailed. I love giving detailed answers!

Starbucks blonde roast is available in different types of coffee and in different drink sizes. It is available in drink sizes of a Short 8 ounce (240 ml) to a Venti 20 ounce (600 ml) and for brewed coffee, espresso, flat white, latte and cappuccino.

Check the table for details.

Starbucks Blonde Roast BeverageShort 8 oz (240 ml) Caffeine ContentTall 12 oz (360 ml) Caffeine ContentGrande 16 oz (480 ml) Caffeine ContentVenti 20 oz (600 ml) Caffeine Content
Brewed Coffee180 mg270 mg360 mg475 mg
Cappuccino85 mg85 mg170 mg170 mg
Latte85 mg85 mg170 mg170 mg
Flat White150 mg150 mg225 mg225 mg
Single Espresso Shot85 mgN/AN/AN/A
Doppio Double Espresso Shot170 mgN/AN/AN/A

The amount of caffeine in a blonde brewed coffee ranges from 22.5 mg of caffeine per ounce to 23.75 per ounce depending on the drink size.

A cappuccino and latte’s caffeine content ranges from 8.5 mg per oz to 10.625 mg per ounce depending on the size of your beverage.

Flat white coffee has 11.25 mg per ounce and 18.75 mg of caffeine per ounce.

An espresso shot has a pretty potent 85 milligrams per ounce.

Outside of an espresso shot, a short 8-ounce brewed blonde roast has the most caffeine per fluid ounce.

How Much Caffeine Is In Starbucks Blonde Roast
Starbucks Blonde Roast

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Yes, Starbucks blonde roast has more caffeine than their signature Pike Place medium roast.

Let’s have a look at their signature Pike Place coffee and their featured dark roast brewed coffee and how it compares to blonde roast for the various sizes of brewed coffee.

BeverageShort 8 oz (240 ml) Caffeine ContentTall 12 oz (360 ml) Caffeine ContentGrande 16 oz (480 ml) Caffeine ContentVenti 20 oz (600 ml) Caffeine Content
Pike Place Brewed Coffee155 mg235 mg310 mg410 mg
Featured Dark Roast Brewed Coffee130 mg195 mg260 mg340 mg
Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee180 mg270 mg360 mg475 mg
Cappuccino (Pike Place)75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Cappuccino (Blonde Roast)85 mg85 mg170 mg170 mg
Latte (Pike Place)75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Latte (Blonde Roast)85 mg85 mg170 mg170 mg
Flat White (Pike Place)130 mg130 mg195 mg195 mg
Flat White (Blonde Roast)150 mg150 mg225 mg225 mg

For their espresso shots and espresso based beverages a Pike Place shot has 75 milligrams of caffeine for a single shot and 150 mg of caffeine for a double shot.

Comparing that to their blonde roast, a single espresso shot has 85 mg of caffeine and 170 mg of caffeine in a double shot of blonde roast, which is 10 to 20 milligrams of extra caffeine when compared to the Pike Place espresso roast.

This is something to keep an eye on as espresso shots are in many Starbucks drinks including their latte, mocha, macchiato, cappuccino, mocha and many other similar beverages.

Does Starbucks Blonde Roast Have More Caffeine
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The amount of caffeine that is in a cup of Starbucks blonde roast ranges from 180 milligrams to 475 milligrams of caffeine depending on the size of the coffee as follows:

  • Short 8 oz (240 ml) has 180 milligrams of caffeine.
  • Tall 12 oz (360 ml) has 270 milligrams of caffeine.
  • Grande 16 oz (480 ml) has 360 milligrams of caffeine.
  • Venti 20 oz (600 ml) has 475 milligrams of caffeine.

This is in stark contrast to their Pike Place medium roast which has 155 mg, 235 mg, 310 mg and 410 mg of caffeine for the same 4 drink sizes.

Starbucks Blonde Roast Iced Coffee Caffeine

At Starbucks the blonde roast iced coffee is called an Iced blonde Americano which is available in three sizes, Tall 12 oz (360 ml), Grande 16 oz (480 ml) and Venti 20 oz (600 ml) and has 170 mg, 255 mg and 340 mg of caffeine respectively.

How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Blonde Roast K-Cup

Starbucks have Standard K-Cup coffee pods for your Keurig which have an average of 130 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce (240 ml) cup of coffee.

Their stronger and more potent Starbucks 2X is so called as it has 2X the caffeine content with 260 mg of caffeine per 8 oz (240 ml).

Lighter roast have a little more caffeine than a darker roast, but the way that Starbucks have made their K-Cup pods all will have 130 mg or 260 mg depending on it being a regular or a 2X pod.

A blonde roast has more caffeine than darker roasts due to a small amount, only a fraction of the caffeine is lost during the roasting process. Caffeine is fairly stable, but not completely stable and is able to withstand the heat of the roasting process. It is only a small amount that is lost during the roasting process.

To look at it from a better point of point, it is not that blonde roast has more caffeine, a dark roast has less. Although that statement means the same thing, in all essence the point I am conveying is that due to the lower roasting temperature and reduced roasting time a blonde roast looses less caffeine than a dark roast.

The degradation and loss of the caffeine is minimal, an example of this is the minute 10 mg of caffeine difference between the dark roast coffee at Starbucks and their blonde roast.

This is why a light roast and the even lightest of them all, the rare and quite hard to find, white coffee has the most caffeine content. White coffee has approximately 5% more caffeine than a blonde roast.

A white coffee is a very finely roasted coffee, often called a half roast as it is roasted at a lower temperature than a blonde and for half the time.

The reason is not due to the coffee grind size, as suggested by a couple of sites. You can grind a dark roast to a smaller size or even the same size; it does not explain why there is less caffeine in a dark roast.

Proof in the pudding of the grind size myth is the simple fact that Starbucks blonde espresso roast and their dark roast coffee use the same grind size for the various coffees brewed with them. If the grind size was the reason, the coffee beverages would have the same amount of caffeine.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Blonde Roast

A blonde roast espresso has 85 milligrams of caffeine per shot, compared to their signature roast the Pike Place, which is 75 mg per shot, there is an additional 10 mg per shot of caffeine.

Is Starbucks Blonde Roast Strong?

Yes, the Starbucks blonde roast is stronger in terms of caffeine levels as it has 10 mg more per shot of espresso brewed. 


it is a lot lighter in flavor than their signature espresso roast. 

What Starbucks Coffee Has The Most Caffeine?

The coffee at Starbucks that has the most caffeine is their Clover Brewed Coffee as both the clover brewed coffee reserve roast, and the clover brewed dark roasts have more caffeine than a blonde roast brewed coffee. 

BeverageShort 8 oz (240 ml) Caffeine ContentTall 12 oz (360 ml) Caffeine ContentGrande 16 oz (480 ml) Caffeine ContentVenti 20 oz (600 ml) Caffeine Content
Clover Brewed Reserve Roasts190 mg280 mg380 mg470 mg
Clover Brewed Dark Roasts190 mg280 mg380 mg470 mg
Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee180 mg270 mg360 mg475 mg

The single coffee beverage that has the most caffeine at Starbucks is not one of the clover brewed coffees – it is the venti 20 oz (600 ml) blonde roast brewed coffee.

2 shots of Starbucks blonde espresso has 170 milligrams of caffeine as each shot of espresso has 85 mg of caffeine.

An espresso brewed with a blonde roast is stronger and has more caffeine than an espresso brewed with a dark roasted coffee. This is exemplified by Starbucks blonde espresso roast having 85 mg per shop and their original and signature Pike Place roast having 75 mg per shot.

No, Starbucks blonde coffee is higher in acid than their dark roasts. As a coffee goes through the roasting process and moves up a roasting level, the more of the acids like the chlorogenic acid get roasted out and disappear and evaporate, making the darker roasts less acidic than the lighter roasts.

Final Thoughts – How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Blonde Roast?

Now that you know exactly how much caffeine in Starbucks blonde roast for all of the drinks available and the different drink sizes you can use that to your advantage for a serious caffeine kick and to make sure that you stick to the 400 mg daily limit as set by the Food and Drug administration. 

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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