Extra dry cappuccino is a term that you have seen on a coffee menu and perhaps heard it being ordered while you are there.
But what is this curious coffee beverage?
Keep reading to find out!
Extra Dry Cappuccino
Table Of Contents
- 1 Extra Dry Cappuccino
- 2 What Is Extra-Dry Cappuccino?
- 3 What Is A Bone Dry Cappuccino?
- 4 What Is A Wet Cappuccino?
- 5 What Is A Dry Latte?
- 6 Dry Coffee Meaning
- 7 Dry Cappuccino Vs Macchiato
- 8 Dry Cappuccino Vs Flat White
- 9 Frequently Asked Questions About Extra Dry Cappuccino
- 9.1 What Does Extra-Dry Mean At Starbucks?
- 9.2 Why Do People Like Dry Cappuccino?
- 9.3 Why Don t Italians Drink Cappuccino In The Afternoon?
- 9.4 Why do Italians Only Drink Cappuccino For Breakfast?
- 9.5 Does Milk Go First In A Cappuccino?
- 9.6 Do Italians Put Sugar In Cappuccino?
- 9.7 Do You Stir A Cappuccino Before Drinking?
- 9.8 Does A Cappuccino Always Come With Chocolate On Top?
- 10 Final Thoughts – Extra Dry Cappuccino
An extra dry cappuccino is a delightfully bolder and more intense tasting cappuccino. It is the strongest of all the variations of this drink as it is not made with any steamed milk at all.
The typical construction of an extra dry cappuccino is a single one fluid ounce shot of espresso and two ounces of milk foam.
The beverage may or may not be served with a sprinkling of cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.

Read: How to make a bone dry cappuccino
What Is Extra-Dry Cappuccino?
An extra dry cappuccino is just one of the many variations of the traditional cappuccino.
There are six basic variations of what is possibly Italy’s most famous coffee beverage, which are as follows:
A Classic Cappuccino
This has many other names, including Italian cappuccino, and traditional cappuccino. This is the drink that your local coffee shop will serve you if you simply ask for a cappuccino.
It’s brewed with a strong shot of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam. These three components that make up the beverage are in equal amounts with a ratio of 1:1:1.
As standard, this coffee drink is made with whole milk unless requested.
Wet Cappuccino
This cappuccino variation is made with more milk and less foam.
For all the variations of a cappuccino, the only difference between them all is the ratio of steamed milk and milk foam.
A wet cappuccino has more steamed milk and foam milk.
A typical wet cappuccino is made with one ounce (30 ml) of espresso and an ounce and half (45 ml) of steamed milk and half an ounce (15 ml) of milk foam.
Super Wet Cappuccino
A super wet cappuccino is often mistaken as being the same as latte, but there is one key and critical difference.
A super wet cappuccino has no milk foam.
Both a latte and a super wet cappuccino are made with a shot of espresso and steamed milk using an espresso to steamed milk ratio of 1:2.
A latte has a fine layer of foamed milk while a super wet cappuccino has no layer of foam at all.

Read: Bone dry coffee meaning
Dry Cappuccino
A dry cappuccino goes in the opposite direction of a wet cappuccino; they are made with less steamed milk and more foam.
A dry cappuccino is made in the same way as classic cappuccino with an espresso shot but has less milk.
A dry cappuccino is made with a one ounce espresso shot (30 ml) and half an ounce of steamed milk (15 ml) and an ounce and half (45 ml) of steamed milk foam.
Extra Dry Cappuccino
An extra dry cappuccino we have already covered. It also goes by other names like a super dry cappuccino and bone dry cappuccino.
It’s a strong coffee drink made with an espresso shot and twice as much steamed milk foam. No steamed milk at all is used to make this drink.
Iced Cappuccino
The cool summer variation of the coffee drink. It’s made with a shot of espresso, cold milk, ice and whipped cream.
What Is A Bone Dry Cappuccino?
A bone dry cappuccino is another way of saying an extra dry cappuccino, or super dry cappuccino.
It is the classic cappuccino beverage made with no milk and extra steamed milk foam.
What Is A Wet Cappuccino?
A wet cappuccino is a coffee beverage that is milkier than a regular cappuccino.
As a standard a wet cappuccino is made with a single espresso shot which is 30 ml (1 Oz), steamed milk 45 ml (1.5 Oz) and an ample 15 ml (0.5 Oz) layer of foam.

Read: Bone dry cappuccino
What Is A Dry Latte?
A latte also follows the same rule as a cappuccino when you see it on a coffee shop menu as a dry latte; it simply means that your latte is made with less milk.
A dry latte is made with an espresso to steamed milk ratio of 1:1 instead of 1:2 for a regular latte.
Due to the drink having a fine layer of milk foam this makes it exactly the same as a very famous Spanish drink, the cortado only half the size.
Dry Coffee Meaning
The term dry coffee for all coffee beverages be it a cappuccino, latte, flat white or whatever the drink may be is inferring a reduced amount of milk being used in its construction.
Bone dry, extra dry and super dry infer the coffee drink is made with no milk.
Dry Cappuccino Vs Macchiato
A dry cappuccino and an espresso macchiato are two completely different drinks.
these two beverages are mistaken for each other, but they are fundamentally different, very different.
Let’s have a deeper look at the two popular beverages.
Espresso Macchiato
An espresso macchiato is an intense bold shot of espresso with the rough edges of the bitterness taken off and rounded with the splash of milk added to the drink. Typically, only a teaspoon, 5 ml of steamed milk is used.
A dollop of foam may or may not be added to the drink. It depends on the barista and coffee shop how they make their espresso macchiato.
Starbucks, strictly speaking, their espresso macchiato is an upside down espresso macchiato as the dash of milk is added first with the espresso pulled on top of the steamed milk.
Dry Cappuccino
This is notably different from an espresso macchiato as it is a cappuccino made with slightly less steamed milk to produce a more prominent espresso-forward flavor.
It’s a shot of espresso with 15 ml (half a fluid ounce) of steamed milk and 45 ml (1.5 Oz) of milk foam.
Dry Cappuccino Vs Flat White
These two drinks are also often confused with each other and rightly so as they look very similar but they are fundamentally different.
The best way to clarify just how different these two drinks are is to talk about each one individually.
Flat White
A flat white is often confused or falsely assumed to be the same as a latte.
A flat white is made with a very different type of espresso, a double ristretto and a ristretto to steamed milk ratio of 1:2 and a very, very fine layer of steamed milk. It may or may not have latte art on top.
A ristretto is a stronger and more focused shot of espresso that is notably smaller (20 ml, ⅔ Oz). It is more focused due to the coffee to water ratio of 1:1.
Dry Cappuccino
By now you are very familiar with what a dry cappuccino is and how it is made and constructed.
It is of course a traditional cappuccino that is made with less milk, typically half as much milk with more milk foam added to produce a fluffier pillow on top.
Frequently Asked Questions About Extra Dry Cappuccino
What Does Extra-Dry Mean At Starbucks?
There are many different types of cappuccino ranging from wet to super wet cappuccino and dry to extra dry and iced cappuccino.
The term extra dry is the same as bone dry cappuccino, which means no steamed milk is used to make this type of cappuccino.
Why Do People Like Dry Cappuccino?
One of the principal reasons why people like a dry cappuccino and a bone dry cappuccino is they enjoy the strong bold taste of an espresso with the light texture of the foamed milk.
Why Don t Italians Drink Cappuccino In The Afternoon?
A cappuccino of any type, is not enjoyed after midday in Italy is due to the milk content. The dairy content is seen as being heavy on the stomach and upsetting digestion.
Why do Italians Only Drink Cappuccino For Breakfast?
A cappuccino is not only enjoyed as a breakfast drink as it can be enjoyed as a mid-morning coffee drink.
It is not consumed after midday. The reason is the dairy content is seen as being heavy on the stomach and bad for digestion.
Does Milk Go First In A Cappuccino?
The order of making the three components of a cappuccino is to first pull the espresso and then add the steamed milk and then add the milk foam.
Do Italians Put Sugar In Cappuccino?
Some Italians add a sugar to their morning cappuccino, but it is rare. It is normally enjoyed as it is with the steamed milk being enough to sweeten the coffee beverage.
Do You Stir A Cappuccino Before Drinking?
To stir or not stir, that is the question. It is best that you stir your cappuccino to mix and amalgamate the flavors.
Always stir even if you are adding no sugar.
Does A Cappuccino Always Come With Chocolate On Top?
It is very common for a cappuccino to have a sprinkle of cocoa powder on top, but it is not an absolute necessity. It depends on the particular coffee shop and barista.
I love adding chocolate shavings on top.
Final Thoughts – Extra Dry Cappuccino
If you have read this far you know exactly what an extra dry cappuccino is and can easily differentiate it from a dry cappuccino, wet cappuccino and know how it differentiates from a macchiato and a flat white.
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