What Is The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks Top 40 Listed!

What Is The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks? Top 40 Listed!

Last updated on July 28th, 2024 at 13:59

Many caffeine addicts ask for and wonder what is the most caffeinated drink at Starbucks. 


In this article I list the top 20 most caffeinated drinks from highest to lowest for all drink sizes for both hot drinks and iced coffee drinks. That’s two great lists and two fab tables that you can screenshot and keep on your phone for reference!

If you are in a rush and need the quick answer, it’s the Venti blonde roast brewed coffee which has 475 milligrams of caffeine.

Keep reading for two cool charts that list the caffeine content for the top 20 caffeinated drinks at Starbucks for both hot and cold drinks

What Is The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks

The most caffeinated drink at Starbucks is their Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) blonde roast brewed coffee which has a whopping and stunning caffeine kick of 475 mg of caffeine per serving. The drink puts you over the suggested caffeine limit per day of 400 mg as set by the Food and Drug Administration.

This drink, the Venti blonde roast brewed coffee, is also the most caffeinated iced drink at Starbucks as it is very popular during the hot summer days and frequently requested. It has over 100 mg of caffeine more than what a cold brew coffee has.

The Most Caffeinated Hot Drink At Starbucks
The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks Is Brewed Coffee

Read: Strongest Caffeine drink at Starbucks

The Most Caffeinated Hot Drink At Starbucks

The following table (below) lists, in order from strongest to weakest, the top 20 most caffeinated hot drinks that you will find on the Starbucks menu for all drink sizes.

DrinkShort 8 Oz (240 ml)Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)Grande 16 Oz (480 ml).Venti 20 Oz (600 ml).
Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee180 mg.270 mg360 mg475 mg.
Clover Brewed Coffee Reserve Roast190 mg280 mg380 mg470 mg
Clover Brewed Coffee Dark Roast190 mg280 mg380 mg470 mg
Clover Brewed Coffee Medium Roast170 mg.280 mg375 mg445 mg
Clover Brewed Coffee Blonde Roast155 mg.255 mg340 mg425 mg
Pike Place Brewed Coffee155 mg235 mg310 mg410 mg
Blonde Caffé Americano85 mg170 mg255 mg340 mg
Cordusio Mocha155 mg155 mg315 mg320 mg
Caffé Americano75 mg150 mg225 mg300 mg
Reserve Latte135 mg135 mg135 mg265 mg
Latte Macchiato150 mg150 mg225 mg225 mg
Blonde Flat White150 mg150 mg225 mg225 mg
Flat White130 mg130 mg195 mg195 mg
Molten Chocolate Latte95 mg100 mg185 mg195 mg
Caffe Misto75 mg115 mg150 mg195 mg
Caffe Mocha90 mg95 mg175 mg185 mg
Blonde Cappuccino85 mg85 mg170 mg170 mg
Cappuccino75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Caffe Latte75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Caramel Macchiato75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg

Read: Strongest drink at Starbucks

You can screenshot this and save it on your phone for easy reference and know how much caffeine you are getting in the drinks that you are ordering. You can use it to keep yourself within the healthy 400 mg per day limit or use it to decide how much of a caffeine kick that you want or need.

One thing that stands out is that brewed coffee, especially clover brewed coffee, has extra caffeine and a lot more than other beverages. Keep that in mind if you need or feel like having serious amounts of caffeine.

A smart use of this table will ensure that you are not getting extra milk and froth in the larger drink sizes that you are ordering. I’m talking about the espresso based drinks here as they contain the following amounts of caffeine per shot:

DrinkSingle ShotDoppio (double shot)Triple ShotQuad (4 shots)
Espresso75 mg150 mg225 mg300 mg
Blonde Espresso85 mg170 mg255 mg340 mg
Ristretto65 mg130 mg195 mg260 mg

I mention this so that you are fully aware that a larger drink size does not always mean more coffee and more shots of espresso in your drink and thus a greater last of caffeine.

The amount of caffeine per drink gives it away.

Check the table below as a small example.

DrinkShort 8 Oz (240 ml)Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)Grande 16 Oz (480 ml).Venti 20 Oz (600 ml).
Latte75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Cappuccino75 mg75 mg150 mg150 mg
Flat White130 mg130 mg195 mg195 mg

Clearly a short 8 Oz (240 ml) and tall 12 Oz (360 ml) have the same number of shots of espresso with both having a single shot. The same can be said for a grande and venti drink size which both contain a double shot of espresso. The extra price paid is for more milk and milk foam and most certainly not for extra coffee.

Something to be mindful of when you are next visiting Starbucks.

Read: Which coffee has the most caffeine?

Most Caffeinated Iced Drink At Starbucks

The table below lists the top 20 most caffeinated iced drinks at Starbucks from highest to lowest and for all drink sizes available. Use this list to find the drink and drink size that is most suited for you based on the taste and, if you wish, caffeine and to help yourself to remain within the caffeine limit of 400 mg per day.

Drink Tall 12 Oz (360 ml)Grande 16 Oz (480 ml)Venti 24 Oz (720 ml)Trenta 30 Oz (900 ml)
Iced Clover Brewed Coffee Reserve Roast280 mg380 mg470 mgN/A
Iced Clover Brewed Coffee Dark Roast280 mg380 mg470 mgN/A
Iced Clover Brewed Coffee Medium Roast280 mg375 mg445 mgN/A
Iced Clover Brewed Coffee Blonde Roast255 mg340 mg425 mgN/A
Reserve Nitro Cold Brew Coffee280 mg400 mgN/AN/A
Doubleshot On Ice150 Mg225 mg375 mgN/A
Cold Brew Coffee155 mg205 mg310 mg360 mg
Cold Foam COld Brew155 mg205 mg310 mg360 mg
Iced Blonde Americano170 mg255 mg340 mgN/A
Cold Brew Coffee With Milk150 mg200 mg300 mg330 mg
Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew140 mg185 mg275 mg320 mg.
Salted Cream Cold Foam Cold Brew140 mg185 mg275 mg320 mg
Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew145 mg185 mg275 mg315 mg
Irish Cream Cold Brew145 mg185 mg275 mg315 mg
Iced Americano150 mg225 mg300 mgN/A
Reserve Cold Brew150 mg200 mg300 mgN/A
Dark Mocha Nitro With Milk225 mg295 mgN/AN/A
Cold Foam Dark Cocoa Nitro215 mg290 mgN/AN/A
Nitro Freddo215 mg285 mgN/AN/A
Nitro Cold Brew215 mg280 mgN/AN/A

You might have noticed that this list contains a few drinks that also appear on the list of the hot drinks at Starbucks that have the most caffeine. Only a few of the drinks are exclusively cold drinks, namely, cold brew coffee and nitro cold brew coffee.

Nitro cold brew coffee is sweet and creamy and really doesn’t need to have anything added to it. Milk or cream is not necessary due to the drink being naturally creamy. Sugar? well if you have never tried it, test it first and then request a pump of simple syrup.

Simple syrup gives a better and more even distribution of sweetness than sugar.

What Is The Strongest Drink At Starbucks?

Unquestionably the strongest drink at Starbucks is a venti blonde roast brewed coffee which appears as number one for caffeine content on both the list of hot drink and cold drinks as this can be ordered as both a hot and cold drink and with ice as very neat, refreshing and tasty coffee drink.

It has an incredible 475 milligrams of caffeine!

Frequently Asked Questions About What Is The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks

What Kind Of Coffee Drink Has The Most Caffeine At Starbucks?

There are several highly caffeinated coffee drinks at Starbucks. Previously, the drink with the most caffeine was their clover brewed gold coast blend, which is not available anymore.

The top 5 drinks with the highest caffeine content are:

  • 1. Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee: 475 milligrams of caffeine.
  • 2. Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) Clover Brewed Coffee Reserve Roasts: 470 milligrams of caffeine.
  • 2 = Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) Clover Brewed Coffee Dark Roast: 470 milligrams of caffeine.
  • 4. Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) Clover Brewed Coffee Medium roast: 440 milligrams of caffeine.
  • 5. Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) Clover Brewed Coffee Blonde roast: 425 milligrams of caffeine.

As a word of warning, all of these drinks contain more than the recommended daily maximum amount of caffeine for healthy adults.

What Starbucks Drink Has 3 Shots Of Espresso?

There are a few coffee drinks at Starbucks that have 3 shots of espresso. These tend to be the larger coffee drinks. 

  • Caffé Americano Grande 16 Oz (480 ml). 
  • Blonde Caffé Americano Grande 16 Oz (480 ml).
  • Flat White* Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) & Venti 20 Oz (600 ml). .
  • Iced Caffé Americano Grande 16 Oz (480 ml).
  • Iced Blonde Caffé Americano Grande 16 Oz (480 ml).
  • Iced Cappuccino Venti 24 Oz (720 ml). 
  • Iced Caramel Macchiato Venti 24 Oz (720 ml).
  • Iced Mocha Venti 24 Oz (720 ml). 
  • Iced White Chocolate Mocha Venti 24 Oz (720 ml). 
  • Iced Latte Venti 24 Oz (720 ml). 
  • Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte Vento 24 Oz (720 ml).
  • Latte Macchiato Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) and Venti 20 (600 ml). 

*Flat white is made with ristretto, a more focused espresso shot

What Is A Coffee With 4 Shots Of Espresso Called?

A double shot of espresso is called a doppio, three shots of espresso is simply called a triple shot and four shots is called a quad.

What Kind Of Coffee Drink Has The Most Caffeine At Starbucks?

Singularly speaking, it is Starbucks brewed coffee blonde roast which has 475 milligrams of caffeine in their Venti 20 Oz (600 ml) drink size.

What Drinks At Starbucks Give You The Most Energy?

The clover brewed coffees are highly caffeinated with all the drinks of this type having more than 400 mg of caffeine and pack a serious caffeine punch.

What Should I Order At Starbucks If I Like Strong Coffee?

If you like a highly caffeinated coffee, checkout their Blonde roast brewed coffee or any of their clover brewed coffees. If it is strong coffee in terms of flavor, try their French roast or Italian roast, which both have a very bold, deep and intense flavor.

The Italian roast is a very strong coffee, it’s deep, it’s strong and goes well with and without milk.

Final Thoughts – What Is The Most Caffeinated Drink At Starbucks?

Now that you know what is the most caffeinated drink at Starbucks that you can enjoy on a cold winter morning and which you can enjoy on a hot summer day.

Use the charts, screenshot them or bookmark this page as reference for when you visit the world’s most popular coffee shop and know exactly how much caffeine is in your coffee drinks.

Join our cool coffee community and join in and share your coffee creations, recipes, latte art and hilarious memes and jokes.

Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or Derek@LatteLoveBrew.com, mentioning your name and location

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