Finding the perfect steamed milk temp for making top quality coffee is easy. Too hot, and you will end up with a burnt milk taste that will negatively affect your coffee – too low a temperature is just as bad – which I will discuss why in a moment.
If you are in a rush, the ideal steamed milk temp is 155°F to 165°F (68°C to 7 °C).
Keep reading as we dig down and deep into this topic and help you to achieve that ideal temperature for your steamed milk for a range of different coffee drinks.
Steamed Milked Temp – What Temperature Should Your Milk Be?
Table Of Contents
- 1 Steamed Milked Temp – What Temperature Should Your Milk Be?
- 2 What Happens To Milk During Foaming?
- 3 Steamed Milk Vs Frothed Milk
- 4 How Long To Steam Milk For Latte?
- 5 How Long To Steam Milk For Cappuccino?
- 6 Frequently Asked Questions About Steamed Milk Temp
- 6.1 How Long Should Milk Be Steamed?
- 6.2 What Temperature Do You Steam Flat White Milk?
- 6.3 What Are The Two Phases Of Steaming Milk?
- 6.4 At What Temperature Should We Remove The Milk From The Steam Wand?
- 6.5 How Do I Know If My Milk Is Hot Enough?
- 6.6 What Temp Should Milk Be Steamed To Celsius?
- 6.7 What Temperature Should Milk Be For Latte Art?
- 6.8 How Hot Do Baristas Heat Milk?
- 7 Final Thoughts – Steamed Milk Temp
When you are steaming your milk, the temperature that you steam it to plays a large role in the resulting outcome and the quality of the steamed milk.
the speed at which you heat your milk influences the end result and quality of your milk froth. If you heat your milk too quickly, you are likely to burn your milk and have horrible tasting coffee as a result.
Slow heating, and thus slowly steaming your milk, you will properly develop the milk sugars and a nice sweet taste.
The ideal temperature of steamed milk is from 155°F to 165°F (68°C to 73°C).

Read: Portable milk steamer wand
Overheated Milk
As you increase the temperature of your milk, the milk foam becomes more stable. This is due to the increased temperatures causing an increased denaturation of the whey proteins in milk.
The heating of your milk caused a reduction in the viscosity, thinning the milk and making it slightly more watery. The denatured whey proteins are able to stabilize the air bubbles.
It is important not to overheat your milk and quit while you have quality, well-foamed milk. If you overheat your milk, it becomes very difficult, almost impossible to taste the very subtle flavors of your coffee beans and can, of course, burn your mouth.
During prolonged heating, your milk can take on a sulphur-like aroma and taste, which in turn affects your coffee.
When you take your milk to boiling point, the lactose reacts with proteins. At this temperature, the fats get involved in oxidative reactions and develop an unpleasant taste.

Underheated Milk
Just as overheated milk is not good, underheated milk is also bad. When your milk is heated to 86°F–104°F (30°C–40°C) your foamed milk is unstable. The foam is thin and different sizes of air bubbles can be seen merging.
This happens due to the whey proteins have just begun the denaturing process and the milk fats are a mix of solid and liquid.
The solid fats at a low temperature destroy the milk foam by piercing the lipid membrane. As a result, you get partially liquid fat entering fragile air bubbles that were formed by the denatured whey proteins.
The air bubbles lack the necessary elastic layer around them, which is needed for the production of well-foamed milk. The surface of air bubbles are also missing proteins due to the liquid fats displacing them. This causes the bubbles to join and coalesce.
What Happens To Milk During Foaming?
To make foam milk we are forcing a mixture of water vapor in the form of steam and air into milk while we heat it. Your milk is a composition of hundreds of compounds. Two groups of these compounds are vital to your ability to make well-foamed milk: these are fat and protein.
Your milk has casein and whey proteins, which when you heat it the structure of the whey protein unravels, also known as denature, and creates spheres around the air. These formations then stabilize and form bubbles, producing the required texture for using in your coffee.
The milk fats have a destabilizing effect on milk foam. It is said that for this very reason you get a better quality foam when using skimmed or fat-free milk.
Notably, there is also a strong argument for the use of full fat milk because the fats create a rich body and smooth mouthfeel, just automatically discrediting milk fats or full fat milk is naive. It is handy to understand just how to work with the fat content of milk and use it to your advantage to make great foam and rich textured foamy milk.
The International Dairy Journal says that skimmed milk foam is at its most stable at 45°C, (115°F) UHT whole milk is at its most stable point at 65°C (150°F). Regular whole milk is said to be at its most stable point at 15°C to 65°C (140°F–150°F). The science and chemistry of heating milk backs this up.

Read: Steaming vs frothing milk
Steamed Milk Vs Frothed Milk
Steamed milk and frothed milk are not the same; they may look the same and incredibly similar, but they are different.
Steamed milk forces air and water vapor into your milk at the same time that it is being heated up. This process forces tiny bubbles into your milk, creating the creamy texture.
Frothy milk is made by creating large air bubbles and forcing air into your milk using an auto-frothing wand or even a basic frothing wand. The result is a high amount of fluffy milk that can be spooned onto your coffee.
This is something that frothy coffee lovers enjoy.
Worthy of noting is frothed milk is missing the velvet-like creamy texture. One type is not better than the other; it is a matter of your own personal preference. You can always try a mix of the two and use the velvet like steamed milk and add it to your coffee drink and top up with the fluffy frothed milk.
How Long To Steam Milk For Latte?
When you are steaming your milk, simply place the tip of the wand about half an inch below the surface of your milk and tilt your milk jug slightly. Keeping your milk jug in that tilted position for around 5 to 10 seconds.
Carefully lower your jug as your milk expands and stretches. When it has stretched by 20% to 25% in height, it is great for use in a flat white.
30% to 35% increase in foam height is ideal for a Latte. 30% stretching of your milk is good for a wet cappuccino, 50% for a dry cappuccino and macchiato since they require only the foam.
When you have stretched your milk to the required height, submerge the nozzle deeper and tilt your milk jug until you see a spinning vortex. This vortex helps to create the velvet-like texture to your microfoam.

Read: Steamed milk
How Hot Should A Latte Milk Be? – Milk Temperature For Latte Fahrenheit
Most milk-based espresso drinks like latte, cappuccino, mocha, cortado, flat white, etc are served at approximately 150F to 165F (65C to 73C). 160F (71C) is a fairly standard temperature to serve coffee drinks.
Serving a latte at this temperature is fine on both a hot and a cold day.
How Long To Steam Milk For Cappuccino?
Approximately it will take 5 seconds of milk steaming to produce steam milk for your cappuccino, this is assuming you already have the milk at the necessary temperature of 65oC (140oF). Just tilt your milk jug to the side to create a vortex / whirlpool effect to incorporate the milk foam into your milk for a rich velvet-like texture.
What Temperature Do You Steam Milk For Cappuccino? The Ideal Milk Temperature For Cappuccino Is…
For making top quality steamed milk for your cappuccino, the ideal milk temperature is 55–65°C (139–149°F). At this point, the fats in milk have become liquid and will not destroy your foam. This temperature is also at the right temperature for the denaturing process of the whey protein and produces a surface of air bubbles.

Frequently Asked Questions About Steamed Milk Temp
How Long Should Milk Be Steamed?
The typical time to steam your milk for should be around 20 to 30 seconds. If you are heating a larger quantity of milk, half a cup to 1 cup, you will need to heat it for a little longer, typically 30 to 45 seconds. Take note of the time taken and measure the temperature with a digital thermometer. 150°F (65° C) is the ideal temperature to steam cows milk to alternative milks and different types of milk like cream milk will vary in the time taken and ideal temperature.
What Temperature Do You Steam Flat White Milk?
To make a perfect flat white you will need to brew a double shot of espresso into a glass and steam your milk to a temperature range of 55°C to 62°C (131°F to 144°F). What you can measure you can control, when your milk is ready, be it a dairy or non-dairy milk, take note of the temperature.
What Are The Two Phases Of Steaming Milk?
There are two phrases of steaming your milk, which is aerating, which is often referred to as stretching. This phase is injecting air into milk. The size of air bubbles is important. The smaller longer lasting ones and better than the larger fragile air bubbles that do not last as long.
The second phase is emulsifying, also known as stretching and texturing. This is what produces the creamy texture which can also be referred to as being velvet-like. A creamy milk texture is what the end goal is.
At What Temperature Should We Remove The Milk From The Steam Wand?
The temperature at which you remove your milk from your steam wand will vary slightly from milk to milk. Macadamia milk, almond milk, goat milk, full fat dairy milk and half fat milk temperatures will vary slightly. Approximately 60°C (140°F) is the ideal temperature.
Use a digital thermometer and take note of the temperature for the various milks that you are using when you are creating quality milk foam. Some milks can require a temperature as high as 70°C (158°F).
How Do I Know If My Milk Is Hot Enough?
Without using a thermometer your hand is the best indicator that you have. When you start to feel your hand getting really hot, count to three and stop steaming your milk. Your milk at the point should be in the 60°C – 70°C (140°F – 148°F) range.
What Temp Should Milk Be Steamed To Celsius?
The temperature that you steamed milk should be heated to in Celsius is between 55C and 62C. This is considered as the perfect temperature.
What Temperature Should Milk Be For Latte Art?
The perfect milk steaming temperature is between 140F and 150F (60C and 65C) for latte art. Above this temperature range your milk will be too aerated and too firm.
How Hot Do Baristas Heat Milk?
Baristas heat their milk in the 55C to 65C (140F to 150F) temperature range with extra hot being 70C (158F), notable extra hot milk is difficult to create latte art for.
Final Thoughts – Steamed Milk Temp
If you have read this far, you know the perfect steamed milk temp is in the 155°F to 165°F (68°C to 73°C) range.
If you have skimmed and scrolled down you have missed out on a lot of details behind the “milk science” of heating your milk and what is happening and how the steam is formed and what you need to do to get that rich velvet like texture, and thus it would be a great idea to scroll back up and take some mental notes and get that perfect milk foam.
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