Is Iced Coffee Good For You The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Iced Coffee

Is Iced Coffee Good For You? The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Iced Coffe

We often get asked, during the summer months, “Is iced coffee good for you?” which, as coffee lovers, has inspired us to research, thoroughly research and detail the top 10 health benefits of iced coffee.

Full disclosure and as a disclaimer, we have an obvious bias – we love coffee! However, we have built our reputation on our integrity – If iced coffee was bad for you, we’d have no problem in saying so. We are not medics nor scientists (I have a science degree, but it is an Engineering topic and not health related). The technical and “Geeky Science” details I can understand. Everything claimed can be backed by research and peer review studies. As always, consult with your family doctor.

Now with the boring disclaimers and disclosures out of the way, keep reading as we get cracking on with this article and talking about iced coffee, and its health properties.

Is Drinking Iced Coffee Everyday Bad For You? Is Iced Coffee Good For You?

Drinking coffee, any coffee be it iced coffee, cold-brewed coffee or whatever type of coffee drink in moderation is fine. It is important to pay attention to how much sugar and milk you have in your coffee if you like to drink a few cups of coffee every day.

Obviously sugar, and too much is not good for you, dairy products in excess and their fats in excess are not going to be at all beneficial. Thus, we say “in moderation”. Obviously the same can be said for caffeine.

If you drink iced coffee every day and stay within the nutritional guidelines for sugar and caffeine, is good for you and will tell you why in just a few minutes.

Iced Coffee
Summer’s Iced Coffee

Read: Cold brew vs hot brew

How Much Iced Coffee Is Too Much?

Just one or two 12-ounce iced coffees per day is enough. A third iced coffee, regardless of what you add to your coffee, even if you enjoy your iced coffee black.

Once you have that third one, you will be going beyond the recommended limit for caffeine of 400 milligrams per day.

Is It Bad To Drink Iced Coffee In The Morning?


it is not bad for you to enjoy an iced coffee in the morning as the bioactive compounds in iced coffee and hot coffee are the same. This is because iced coffee is coffee that has been brewed hot and then cooled down either in the fridge or directly with ice.

It is fair to say that both iced coffee and hot coffee are equally good for you in the mornings, the afternoon and evening.

What iced coffee is not is cold-brewed coffee. Cold-brewed coffee is different as it is brewed with cold water.

A Moka Pot Brewed Ice Coffee
A Moka Pot Brewed Ice Coffee

Is Iced Coffee Good For You? – The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Drinking Iced Coffee

Let’s now get to the meat and bones of this article and talk about the top health benefits of drinking iced coffee.

#1. May Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease

While researching this article we found 10 independent and peer reviewed studies that indicate that iced coffee contains compounds that have the potential for causing a reduction in your risk of heart disease.

These compounds were magnesium, phenolic compounds, ligans, quinides and trigonelline. These compounds are beneficial for lowering blood pressure and stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving your insulin sensitivity.

Coffee, iced coffee and coffee brewed with hot water and enjoyed hot contain chlorogenic acids and diterpenes which act as anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants.

Drinking up to 3 cups of coffee daily while remaining within the caffeine limitations may reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attacks by as much as 15% in comparison to non-coffee drinkers.

Notably, those that overstep the daily recommended limit of caffeine by 50% and consume over 600 mg of caffeine daily increase the heart disease risk and negates any of the benefits experienced by those who stick to the 400 mg limit.

#2 Improved Athletic Performance

Research indicates that a dose of 3 mg to 13 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight can improve athletic performance.

This is even true for individuals who have a high caffeine tolerance like habitual coffee drinkers. It takes approximately one hour for caffeine to take effect, and thus it would be beneficial to your performance in the gym to drink coffee an hour prior.

It is also said that the fluids in coffee will help to maintain your level of hydration.

#3 May Enhance Your Metabolism

Your metabolic rate is the process by which your body uses the food consumed to create energy. The higher your metabolic rate, the higher the amount of calories that you will burn while resting.

Hot coffee, iced coffee and cold brew coffee have been shown to cause an increase in your metabolic rate while resting by up to 11%.

#4 Antioxidant Boost

Coffee, in which ever form, has a powerful mix of antioxidants which assist your body combat inflammation and reduce the cell damage which may lead to chronic conditions. Chlorogenic acid, as mentioned, may also help with your cardio health. It, chlorogenic acid, is rarely found outside of coffee and thus is a good reason for a morning cup of coffee.

What has been noted is that hot brewing methods extract a greater amount of antioxidants which is great for those that love iced coffee as despite the name it is hot brewed.

Notably, the coffee roast plays no role in the amount of antioxidants. The amount remains the same over all roast levels.

#5 May Reduce Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

14 Studies indicate that the chronic condition in which blood sugar levels are elevated, type 2 diabetes, can be reduced with the consumption of cold brew coffee or iced coffee if drinking between 4 to + cups of coffee.

It is said that the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced due to the potent antioxidants in coffee, particularly chlorogenic acids.

It is said that cold brew coffee in particular has the potential of regulating peptides in your digestive system which aid in keeping your blood sugar stable.

#6 Delivers B Vitamins

It is very seldom, if ever, that the nutritional value of coffee is considered. One single cup of coffee contains approximately 11% of the RDA, the Recommended Daily Allowance of Riboflavin (B2), 6% of Pantothenic (Vitamin B5) and 2% of Niacin (B3)  Thiamine (B1).

Vitamin % Of RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)
Thiamine (B1)2%
Niacin (B3)2%
Pantothenic (B5)6%
Riboflavin (B2)11%

#7 May Enhance Your Mood

The caffeine in iced and cold-brewed coffee has the possibility of improving your state of mind. We found 4 sources that indicate that the consumption of caffeine can enhance mood with the effect also said to be greater in insomniacs.

A very large study of 370,000 coffee drinkers found that they had a reduced rate of depression than those that do not drink coffee.

Further studies indicate that the risk is reduced by 8% for each cup of coffee consumed daily. Research even indicated that caffeine could be a nutritional supplement that boosts brain function and mood in older adults.

#8 Iced Coffee Might Be Easier On Your Stomach Than Hot Coffee

Coffee is often acidic and can be uneasy on the stomach for some people due to acid reflux. It is a condition when the acid flows from your stomach and back to the esophagus and can be irritating.

Coffee may also provoke heartburn and indigestion. But iced coffee and cold brew are less acidic and thus easier on your stomach.

If you find regular hot coffee being too acidic, you can add a teaspoon of baking soda to neutralize it and reduce the acidity and make it easier on your stomach.

Iced Coffee Is Easier On Your Stomach
Iced Coffee Is Easier On Your Stomach

#9 May Support Healthy Weight Goals

The Mayo Clinic claims that consuming caffeine may help you in your weight loss goals. It may even help you to prevent weight gain due to the increase in metabolic rate when consuming caffeinated drinks and products.

#10 Iced Coffee Has A Similar Caffeine Content As Hot Brewed Coffee

Iced Coffee has the same caffeine content as a regular coffee that is brewed hot – even with the same beans and the same brewing method and amount of grounds and grind size.

This is so because iced coffee is not brewed in any different way in which a hot coffee is, it is simply a hot coffee with ice. An Iced coffee can be instantly chilled with the use of ice cubes or in the fridge. More often than not it is freshly brewed and chilled with ice cubes.

Is It Better To Drink Iced Or Hot Coffee?

Hot coffee has more antioxidants than iced coffee and cold brew coffee, which makes hot coffee a healthier choice in my opinion. The higher levels of antioxidants will repair more cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Is Iced Coffee Good For The Heart?

It said by medical experts and in research studies that iced coffee specifically may be better at protecting you from heart attacks due to being a source of antioxidants.

Is Iced Coffee Without Sugar Good For You?

It is suggested by experts that two cups of sugar-free black coffee is better for you than coffee with sugar. Sugar-free, milk-free black coffee is said to have greater benefits for your heart and cardiovascular system.

Is Iced Coffee Healthier Than Coke?

Yes, Coca-Cola has 43 times more calories than a sugar-free black coffee. Unfortunately a single can of Coca-Cola has ten teaspoons of sugar and zero health benefits while coffee has nutrients, antioxidants, phenolic compounds and flavonoids.

Frequently Asked Questions About Is Iced Coffee Good For You?

Is Black Iced Coffee Good For You?


black iced coffee is good for you, and you can enjoy the health benefits listed above and more since true black coffee contains no sugar or milk and may even be healthier than an iced coffee with milk.

Is Decaf Iced Coffee Good For You?


iced coffee in all its forms have health benefits that you can enjoy and benefit from. Obviously some forms are better than others due to less sugar, less milk and of course the caffeine content.

With a decaffeinated iced coffee you can enjoy the same health benefits as we have listed in this article.

Is It OK To Drink Iced Coffee Everyday?


it is okay for you to enjoy iced coffee every day within reason. Be careful of the caffeine content and not over stepping the 400 milligrams per day suggested limit.

Is Iced Coffee Healthier Than Regular Coffee?

Iced coffee is every bit as healthy as regular coffee with some experts arguing that it is healthier due to the reduction in acidity when compared to other coffee drinks.

Frappé-Ing It All Up – Is Iced Coffee Good For You?

Yes, that question, is iced coffee good for you, is a question that should no longer be bugging you and I feel confident in saying that iced coffee is good for you. I have listed above just 10 health benefits – there were many more notably a reported reduction in liver disease that did not make the list (more studies needed to be conclusive in my opinion).

Enjoy your cup of iced coffee worry free – it is not bad for your health.

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Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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