How Many Calories In Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup

How Many Calories In Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup?

Last updated on October 26th, 2023 at 16:56

Many coffee lovers watching their diet want to know how many calories in Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup, a frequently asked question in our cool coffee community when the drink casually appears on the drinks’ menu every Autumn.

If you are in a rush, here is the quick answer: It has 20 calories and 5 grams of sugar per pump.

Keep reading for full details and a chart of the amount of calories per pump for all the popular syrups and sauces at Starbuck.

How Many Calories In Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup?

For both hot drinks and cold drinks Syrups like apple brown sugar syrup and Peppermint syrup each pump adds 5 grams of sugar and 20 calories to your coffee beverage.

Each standard drink size at Starbucks has a different number of pumps of syrup unless specifically requested.

  • Short 8 Oz (240 ml): 1 pump.
  • Tall 12 Oz (360 ml): 2 pumps.
  • Grande 16 Oz (480 ml): 3 pumps.
  • Venti 20 Oz (600 ml): 4 pumps.

From this you can calculate how many calories your flavored syrup is adding to your drink with a venti adding 80 calories.

Starbucks Sugar Cookie Syrup Calories
Starbucks, The Most Popular Place For Coffee

Read: What is brown sugar syrup?

Starbucks Sugar Cookie Syrup Calories

Starbucks cookie syrup is a full pump size which has 5 grams of sugar and 20 calories.

Each pump is fat-free and adds zero protein to the nutritional profile of your drink.

Spiced Apple Drizzle Starbucks Calories

The 4 different drink sizes available, short, tall, grande and venti all have different numbers of pumps of syrup.

Depending on the drink size and the type of milk, oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk or soy milk, the drink is made with a grande size serving and will have between 210 and 380 calories and an alarming 36 to 61 grams of sugar.

This is alarming as the healthy daily maximum intake of sugar for healthy women is 24 grams and 36 grams for men! That’s the equivalent of a whole daily intake or more in a single drink.

What Is Starbucks Apple Crisp Macchiato?

Starbucks apple crisp macchiato is a seasonal drink on the coffee giants autumn drink list alongside the classic and much loved pumpkin spice latte.

Some coffee lovers consider it to be as good as pumpkin spice latte, while others think it is better.

Either way it is a great addition to the Autumn menu.

The flavors of espresso, brown sugar and caramelized spiced apple drizzle. I tried it, and it gave me a reminiscence of home apple pie meets coffee.

In fact, it kicked off a bit of a habit of enjoying apple pie with my afternoon coffee!

On the calories, if you enjoy a Grande 16 Ounce (480 ml) serving with 2% milk your drink will have 45 grams of sugar and 300 calories.

That is a lot of sugar and a lot of calories.

You can cut the calories counts by making a few alterations:

  • Request a Short 8 oz (240 ml) instead of a Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) and cut 160 calories from your drink.
  • Request a Tall 12 O (360 ml) instead of a Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) and reduce your calorie intake by 80 calories.
  • Request a Grande 16 Oz (480 ml) with nonfat milk and trim 60 calories from your drink order.
  • Request a grande 16 Oz (480 ml) with almond milk and save 90 calories.

Another obvious way of reducing your calorie intake is to ask for fewer pumps of apple brown sugar syrup. Each pump reduced will cut 5 grams of sugar and 20 calories from your beverage.

Better still, learn to make your own sugar-free apple brown sugar syrup at home. This will have no sugar and a significantly reduced calorie count depending on what you used to make the syrup.

Torani, a great supplier of sugar-free syrups currently doesn’t have sugar-free apple brown sugar syrup. You can mix their sugar-free brown sugar and sugar-free apple syrup and experiment with different ratios.

Starbucks Syrup Calories
Starbucks Syrup May Have A Lot Of Calories

Read: How long does brown sugar syrup last?

Starbucks Syrup Calories

There is a wide range of different Starbucks syrups and sauces, all with a different calorie count per pump.

Here is the amount of calories and fat on a per-pump basis of the more popular syrups and sauces.

Flavored Starbucks Syrup & Sauces (Per Pump)Calorie CountTotal Fat (g)
White Mocha Sauce501
Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Sauce450
Caramel Brulée Sauce400
Pumpkin Sauce250
Vanilla Syrup200
Peppermint Syrup200
Sugar Cookie Syrup200
Brown Sugar Syrup100
Caramel Syrup100
Cinnamon Dolce Syrup100
Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup00

Brown Sugar Syrup Starbucks Calories

Brown sugar syrup at Starbucks is a half pump due to being smaller. They have 2.5 grams of sugar and 10 calories.

How Many Calories In A Pump Of Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup Starbucks

Sugar free syrups are a great way of reducing both your sugar intake and the amount of calories in your drinks and making your gourmet coffee indulgence that little bit healthier.

It’s always a good choice even if you are not on a diet. The sugar-free vanilla syrup at Starbuck has no calories and no sugar.

If only the company had sugar-free options for all their syrups!

Frequently Asked Questions About How Many Calories In Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup

How Many Calories Is Brown Sugar Syrup Starbucks?

Starbucks brown sugar syrup has 2.5 grams of sugar and 10 calories per pump.

How Many Calories Is A Pump Of Apple Brown Sugar?

Apple brown sugar syrup at Starbucks has 20 calories per pump and 5 grams of sugar. This means a Venti 20 O (600 ml) serving has 80 calories and 20 grams of sugar.

How Many Calories Are In 4 Pumps Of Brown Sugar Syrup From Starbucks?

4 pumps of brown sugar syrup from Starbucks has 40 calories and 10 grams of sugar.

How Much Sugar Is 2 Pumps Of Syrup At Starbucks?

At Starbucks there is a fairly standard 20 calories and 5 grams of sugar per pump of syrup. Thus, 2 pumps of sugar will have 10 grams of sugar and 40 calories for a full pump.

Some syrups are half pump and have half as much sugar and calories.

Read: Brown sugar syrup

Is Brown Sugar Calorie Free?

No, brown sugar is not calorie free. It is high in calories as it has 17 calories per teaspoon. It is relatively low in nutrients.

How Many Pumps Of Syrup Should I Get At Starbucks?

How many pumps of syrup you get at Starbucks depends on the size of the drink that you have ordered. As standard, you will get the following number of pumps:

  • Short 8 Oz (240 ml): 1 Pump.
  • Tall 12 Oz (360 ml): 2 Pump.
  • Grande 16 Oz (480 ml): 3 Pumps.
  • Venti 20 Oz (600 ml): 4 Pumps.

If your drink is not sweet enough for you, you can request an additional pump.

Is Brown Sugar OK For Weight Loss?

Brown sugar is not any healthier or any better than white sugar for weight loss. There are much better options like stevia, honey, agave and honey for sweetening your coffee.

Is Brown Sugar Higher In Calories Than White Sugar?

Brown sugar and white sugar have a very similar amount of nutrients and calories. For a teaspoon of each, brown sugar has 17 calories, while white sugar has 16 calories. The difference is insignificant.

Final Thoughts – How Many Calories In Starbucks Apple Brown Sugar Syrup

Know that you know how many calories in Starbucks apple brown sugar syrup you can decide how many you want or need in your drink in order to stick to your diet requirements.

Join our cool coffee community and let us know your own cool and amazing ways of reducing the amount of calories in your coffee drinks. Find us on Facebook/Meta.

Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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