How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last [+ Amazing Storage Tips]

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last? [+ Amazing Storage Tips]

Every coffee lover has asked themselves how long does freshly ground coffee last? It’s a very good question that I’ll answer straight away!

Freshly ground coffee will last for up to four months if stored in perfect conditions, but there are some tips, tricks and techniques that you can use to make your freshly ground coffee last longer.

Keep reading for the details!

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last?

How long your freshly ground coffee will last depends on a few important factors, namely the conditions in which you stored them and their quality.

Freshly ground regular coffee when stored well and kept away from:

  • Air.
  • Heat.
  • Odors.
  • Light.
  • Moisture.

will last for 3 to 4 months. Specialty grade coffee will last for the same amount of time, even when stored in perfect conditions and kept away from the factors that affect the freshness of their unique and vibrant flavors and aromas.

Specialty coffee lasts for the same amount of time but will have lost their great flavor and aroma.

The peak and optimal flavor window for specialty coffee is very short, which is why they are usually sold in smaller bags. The optimal flavor starts 3 days after they have been roasted and lasts for only 7 days. After this peak flavor window you can expect the taste of your coffee to start losing the intricate and delicate flavors.

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last?
Freshly Ground Coffee Last Can Last 3-4 Months

Read: How long does unopened ground coffee last?

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last Unopened?

While unopened, your bag of freshly ground coffee will last for up to 5 months after the best used by date printed on the packaging.

At this 5 month mark your coffee will start to taste stale or lacking in flavor. Coffee per se doesn’t go off as it is classed as shelf stable. It’s like rice, flour and paste and not avocados, eggs and apples.

It’s not going to rot or go rancid; it will simply lose flavor.

The same applies to regular coffee and specialty coffee, just expect your specialty coffee to have lost the flavors that you love if you have kept them for as long as 5 months.

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last Opened?

When opened, your freshly ground coffee will last a slightly shorter period of time due to the increased exposure to air which accelerates the oxidation process, the process which results in their degradation.

When opened freshly ground coffee will last for three to four months.

Your premium quality coffee will last the same length of time, three to four months beyond the best used by date on the package. They will have lost their great flavors though, but still brewable.

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last Opened?
Open Freshly Ground Coffee Lasts 3-4 Months

Read: How long does Starbucks ground coffee last?

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last In A Jar?

While a lot of people store their coffee in a mason jar or similar type of jar, they are not ideal or the best way of storing freshly ground coffee or coffee beans at all.

They offer no protection against harsh light or heat. A jar, even if it is opaque, offers little protection and does not extend their shelf life beyond the 3 to 4-month period in which they keep well for.

How Long Does Ground Coffee Last In Airtight Container?

The best type of airtight container is one that is opaque to protect your coffee grounds against harsh light and heat-resistant to protect against the negative effect that heat has on your coffee grounds.

An airtight container will help you maintain the flavor of your coffee beans and coffee grounds but doesn’t add to their shelf life or extend it. Your coffee will still last for three to four months.

Using an airtight container, or better still an airtight opaque vacuum coffee canister, will help to maximize the flavor potential of your coffee.

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last In The Refrigerator?

The use of your refrigerator for storing coffee is a polemic and controversial issue.

One thing that is for sure, they will not extend the life of your coffee beyond the three to four-month period that they will last for.

The naysayers state that the scents and flavors of nearby food items will get absorbed by your coffee. They have good reason as coffee is a first class absorber of aromas and flavors.

Another reason given is the effect that moisture has on coffee with moisture being a potential problem due to the condensation effect that happens in fridges.


To avoid these two problems, all that is needed is an airtight vacuum coffee canister.

The clear advantage of storing your coffee in your fridge is the peak freshness of the flavors and aromas of your coffee. You might get an extra day or two out of the peak freshness window of your specialty coffee.

Sadly, their overall shelf life is not extended.

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last In The Refrigerator?
Max The Freshness Of Your Coffee By Storing In Your Fridge

Read: How long does ground coffee last?

How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last In The Freezer?

When you are storing freshly ground coffee and whole bean coffee, it is of critical importance that you open your bag of coffee and decant them into an airtight opaque vacuum coffee canister.

The packaging that your coffee comes in is micro thin and is not strong enough to protect your whole bean coffee or ground coffee against freezer burn, thus the use of an airtight opaque vacuum coffee canister is essential.

Storing your freshly ground coffee will extend the coffee for up to two years.

To keep your coffee in prime condition, you will need two canisters that are airtight, opaque and have the ability to create a vacuum.

Store the vast majority of your coffee grounds in your first canister and keep it in your freezer. With your other canister, have just two weeks of coffee in it and store it in your refrigerator and refill it as necessary every two weeks.

This is the storage technique that I use for my own coffee to ensure maximum freshness and storage of my coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last?

How Do You Store Freshly Ground Coffee?

The best way of storing freshly ground coffee is to immediately put them in an opaque coffee canister that has the ability to create a vacuum and is airtight.

Then store your coffee canister in your fridge.

How Many Times Can You Use Fresh Ground Coffee?

You can only use fresh ground coffee to brew one cup of coffee. If you can brew a second cup from them, it is a sign that you need to make adjustments to your setting or brewing technique to get more flavor into the one cup of coffee.

You can re-use them for secondary purposes like adding nitrogen to your compost pile, or sprinkling them on your garden soil to add nutrients.

You can make a whole host of homemade beauty products, including skin, hair and face scrubs and bath bombs.

Should You Keep Fresh Ground Coffee In The Fridge?

There is no harm at all in storing your freshly ground coffee in your fridge as long as you store it in an opaque airtight container. Storing at a low temperature will help to keep your coffee fresh as it slows down the oxidation process.

Why Is Freshly Ground Coffee Better?

Freshly ground coffee is better because it produces a better flavor and taste.

As soon as coffee beans are ground the total surface area is increased which increases its exposure to air and oxygen which accelerated their degradation through the oxidation process.

Is Fresh Ground Coffee Better Than Instant?

While I love coffee, you won’t get any coffee snobbery from me. To be clear, there are some very good instant coffee brands available.

While there is a time and place for instant coffee, like the campsite, that week away, or generally while on the go, it doesn’t change the fact that it is made from previously brewed coffee grounds which have been brewed, freeze-dried and highly processed.

Despite there being some very good instant coffees, the fact still remains that some of the flavor has brewed out from the coffee grounds before they were processed and turned into instant coffee and thus Freshly ground coffee is better than instant coffee as it will have more flavor.

Can I Freeze Ground Coffee To Keep It Fresh?

Yes, you can freeze ground coffee and whole coffee beans to keep it fresh.

You must remove it from the original packaging, even if it is unopened, which may sound counter productive, but the packaging is too thin and flimsy to protect against freezer burn.

You must use an airtight vacuum sealed opaque coffee canister and then store your canister in your freezer.

This will help to maintain freshness for two to three years.

Is It Worth Grinding Your Own Coffee?

Yes, the investment in a high quality grinder, particularly a ceramic flat burr grinder, and grinding your beans immediately before you brew your coffee will result in a much better tasting cup of coffee.

Can I Vacuum Seal Ground Coffee?

Yes, there are many professional coffee canisters that have a built-in facility for you to vacuum seal your canister. Removing the air helps to keep your coffee safe.

If you enjoy fresh coffee, use a vacuum coffee container.

Final Thoughts – How Long Does Freshly Ground Coffee Last?

Now that you know exactly how long does freshly ground coffee lasts and the steps that you can take to maximize their flavor, freshness and extend their shelf life. 

I positively encourage you to invest in your coffee by getting your hands on a couple of opaque airtight vacuum coffee canisters. 

Join fun, fantastic and very friendly online coffee community and tell us and your fellow coffee lovers about the beans that you are in love with right now! Find us on Facebook/Meta. 

Derek Marshall, a certified barista by the Specialty Coffee Association possesses over two decades of experience in specialty coffee shops. He holds professional certifications for coffee brewing and barista skills. Derek is also an author with authoritative books covering various coffee topics including specialty coffee, sustainability and coffee, coffee brewing, coffee recipes, coffee cocktails and books focusing on Brazilian coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Indonesian coffee and Malaysian coffee. As a barista for over two decades, Derek Marshall has worked in specialty coffee shops across the United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. His expertise extends to the distinct coffee cultures, specialty beverages, and brewing techniques of each nation. Functioning as a coffee consultant, Derek charges US$50 per hour. To learn more about Derek Marshall and Latte Love Brew, visit his About Me Page. For coffee inquiries, contact him at +34-639-410-375 or, mentioning your name and location

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