Last updated on May 22nd, 2024 at 14:18
Enjoying coffee without sugar is a step I took a few months ago in my quest to quit all added sugar to my diet. While I am not sugar-free, I am free from added sugar. I’d never have though in a million years that I would enjoy drinking coffee with no added sugar.
Following the tips, techniques and ideas in this article will help you along the path of enjoying your cup of coffee without sugar.
Let’s face it, anything with a reduced or no sugar content is healthier and enjoying a healthier coffee is a good thing.
Coffee Without Sugar – An Easy Way To Reduce Sugar In Coffee
Table Of Contents
- 1 Coffee Without Sugar – An Easy Way To Reduce Sugar In Coffee
- 2 Replace Your Sugar
- 3 Frequently Asked Questions About Coffee Without Sugar
- 3.1 Is It Good To Drink Coffee Without Sugar?
- 3.2 What Is The Healthiest Way To Drink Coffee?
- 3.3 Does Black Coffee Have Natural Sugar?
- 3.4 How Do You Make Coffee Taste Good Without Sugar?
- 3.5 Will I Lose Weight If I Stop Putting Sugar In My Coffee?
- 3.6 Why Do People Like Coffee Without Sugar?
- 3.7 Does Coffee Without Sugar Have Calories?
- 3.8 Is Honey Better Than Sugar In Coffee?
- 4 Frappé-Ing It All Up – Coffee Without Sugar
If you are like I was, and took two or three teaspoons of refined sugar to your daily coffee and wants to cut it down to zero while it is tough going, there is an easy way.
Thankfully, there is a way that you can reduce the sugar content and still enjoy your coffee and make your coffee healthier.
Weight and measure how much sugar you take in your coffee and reduce it by 20% per week.
- Week 1: 80% of your regular amount.
- Week 2: 60% of your regular amount.
- Week 3: 40% of your regular amount.
- Week 4: 20% of your regular amount.
- Week 5: 0%! Sugar-free coffee!
If you follow the above example, you will still enjoy your coffee and slowly adjust to the taste gradually instead of being overwhelmed by a new flavor. In only 5 weeks you will be enjoying sugar-free.
Reducing the amount of sugar in your coffee over time is the best and easiest way of achieving this goal.

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Replace Your Sugar
Another good option, which is what I have tried also. I can absolutely swear, you will notice just how dramatic the taste and flavor of your coffee will be. Alternative sweeteners do change how your coffee tastes, regardless of how you enjoy it, even if and when you enjoy your coffee black.
This is the same for artificial sweeteners as it is with natural alternatives.
Here are my Top 7 Sugar alternatives.
- 1. Honey.
- 2. Dates Sugar/Syrup.
- 3 Agave Syrup.
- 4. Maple syrup.
- 5. Beet Sugar.
- 6 Stevia.
- 7. Coconut sugar.
The list above is not on a “which is best” basis. Which is best for you will vary depending on your own taste preference.
Let’s now talk about those in more detail.

Read: How to get used to black coffee
#1. Honey
- Where Does It Come From: Predominantly honey bees. There are various types of honey you can try.
- How Is It Made: The honey is collected from the beehives and is then filtered. Raw honey does not go through further processing, which includes pasteurization, which can remove the health benefits.
- What Is The Calorie Count?: One teaspoon is 21 calories, 5 less than sugar.
- Why Use Honey In Your Coffee?: It is low in the Glycaemic index. The GI of honey is 58, regular sugar is 68. Raw 100% natural honey has vitamins, minerals, various enzymes and animo acids.
- Flavor Notes: This varies on where the bees in question collect the nectar. Also, there are various types of honey in Eucalyptus, regular flower honey, orange and Rosemary honey to name a few. All of which have different flavors and bring a different flavor to your coffee.
#2 Maple Syrup
- Where Does It Come From: Maple syrup comes from maple trees.
- How Is It Made: The sap from the trees is collected from maple trees, which is then boiled to a concentrate. The best, most flavorful real maple syrup is usually further refined. You may prefer unrefined maple syrup.
- What Is The Calorie Count: 17 for one teaspoon, 9 less than sugar.
- Why Use Maple Syrup In Your Coffee?: The low glycemic index of 54 is a good reason, compared to the 68 of sugar is a definite plus point. Maple syrup is nutritious and has minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.
- Flavor Notes: Nutty, vanilla and caramel. A great addition to coffee.
3. Date Sugar/Syrup
- Where Does It Come From: Date sugar and syrup come from dates.
- How Is It Made: Date Syrup: The dates are boiled. The resulting juice is filtered and then put through a second boiling process until it becomes thicker and more like a syrup. The Date Sugar: The dates are dehydrated and then ground down to a granulated texture.
- What Is The Calorie Content: 15 calories, 11 less than sugar.
- Why Use Date Sugar Or Date Syrup In Your Coffee?: It low on the glycemic index with a GI sore of 44 to 55 depending on what type of dates you use, 10 to 21 less than sugar, which averages 65. Dates contain fiber, potassium, iron and B vitamins.
- Flavor Notes: hints of butterscotch and very similar to brown sugar.
4. Agave Syrup
- Where Does It Come From: Agave is a plant that resembles a cactus. Tequila is made from Agave.
- How Is It Made: The leaves of the blue agave plant are cut, the juice is extracted and then concentrated to make a syrup.
- What Is The Calorie Content: 21 calories, 5 less than sugar.
- Why Use Agave Syrup In Your Coffee: The Gylcemic Index is incredibly low, 15, 50 lower than sugar and 1.5x sweeter, and thus you need a lot less.
- Flavor Notes: Some claim it has a flavor similar to honey. It is more like a sweet honey with sugar added. Definitely a very nice taste and works well with coffee – I love it!

5. Coconut Sugar
- Where Does It Come From: It comes from the sap flowers of a coconut plam tree.
- How Is It Made: The sap collected, boiled and the excess water is evaporated until there is a granulated consistency.
- What Is The Calorie Count: 15 calories for one teaspoon 11 less than sugar.
- Why Use Coconut Sugar In Your Coffee: The glycemic Index is low at 35 and just over half that of sugar (65). It is tasty, healthy and has more nutrients than regular white sugar.
- Flavor Notes: There is no coconut-like tastes, it is mild and very similar to unrefined brown sugar.
#6. Stevia
- Where Does It Come From: It is from the Stevia plant. The leaves that are used.
- How Is It Made: Stevia can come is a few different forms, including syrup, powder or tiny tablets. The leaves are dried after being picked, and then they are steeped. The resulting liquid is purified, filtered and concentrated.
- What Is The Calorie Count: 0. One teaspoon has zero calories.
- Why Use Stevia In Your Coffee: The Glycemic Index is very low at zero and it can be up to 15x sweeter than sugar.
- Flavor Notes: Stevia has licorice notes and a bitter aftertaste. It takes a little getting used to in your coffee due to the strong flavor.

#7. Beet Sugar
- Where Does It Comes From: It comes from the root vegetable, sugar beets.
- How Is It Made: The sugar beets are sliced, and the juice is extracted, heated, concentrated and then purified. The resulting syrup is then crystallized.
- What Is The Calorie Count: One teaspoon has 15 calories, 11 less than sugar.
- Why Use Beet Sugar In Your Coffee?: It is very similar to regular white sugar and is only slightly lower on the Glycemic Index.
- Flavor Notes: The taste is very like white sugar but with a not so nice aftertaste.
Frequently Asked Questions About Coffee Without Sugar
Is It Good To Drink Coffee Without Sugar?
It is claimed by experts that adult men and women should drink a minimum of 2 cups of sugar free black coffee daily. One after breakfast and one in the early evening. It is said to be beneficial. for your heart and aid in keeping your heart beating regularly.
What Is The Healthiest Way To Drink Coffee?
The healthiest way to drink coffee is to have it free from any additives. Milk free and sugar-free is the healthiest way, and with no sugar alternatives used.
Does Black Coffee Have Natural Sugar?
coffee beans have a tiny amount of sugar in them. The roasting process caramelizes the sugar. The result of which is the greater the level of roasting, the more caramel tones and notes there are to the resulting brewed coffee.
How Do You Make Coffee Taste Good Without Sugar?
Enjoying coffee without sugar does not necessarily mean with no sweetener as you can use add alternative sweeteners like honey, stevia, agave and other alternative sweeteners. You can also add a splash of milk or a tiny pinch of salt to tone down the bitter notes.
Will I Lose Weight If I Stop Putting Sugar In My Coffee?
If you enjoy coffee without sugar or milk, you will reduce your calorie intake significantly and cut the number of calories in your morning and afternoon coffee to just 5 calories. This one change will help but does not guarantee weight loss.
You will still need to enjoy a healthy calorie controlled diet with regular exercise.
Why Do People Like Coffee Without Sugar?
When you drink coffee without sugar and use premium quality beans, especially a single origin coffee, you will savor the unique notes and flavors more without the influence of dairy or sugar.
Does Coffee Without Sugar Have Calories?
Yes, coffee without sugar still has calories but very few. An 8 ounce (240 ml) cup of brewed coffee will have less than 5 calories. It is the addition of milk and sugar and flavored syrups from your local coffee shop will add a whole lot of extra calories.
Is Honey Better Than Sugar In Coffee?
In my opinion yes. Honey has fewer calories and is better than artificial sweeteners as it adds vitamins and minerals, making your coffee healthier than it already is.
Frappé-Ing It All Up – Coffee Without Sugar
Coffee without sugar is very easy to drink and get used to. You can have fun flavoring your coffee with sugar alternatives.
Better still, reduce your sugar content little by little and over a short period of time, you can and well get to be sugar-free.
Join our cool coffee community and tell us your ways of enjoying coffee without sugar and what you use as an alternative sweetener. Find us on Facebook/Meta!