Last updated on July 28th, 2024 at 14:05
Finding the best and most suitable 5 cup coffee filter for your coffee maker is an important task. The better the quality of the filter, the better your cup of coffee will be.
It’s the Ferrari principle. Use all the best components and parts, and you will get the best results. One thing that is overlooked is the humble coffee filter.
A paper filter?
Bleached or unbleached?
What about cotton cloth filters and metal mesh filter?
And let’s not forget about the role that the shape of the coffee filter plays, and its effects on the end result.
If that all sounds complicated, don’t worry – we are here to help you!.
Keep reading as we dig down on this topic and help you get the best 5 cup coffee filter.
5 Cup Coffee Filter Overview
Table Of Contents
- 1 5 Cup Coffee Filter Overview
- 2 What About The Shape Of Your Coffee Filter?
- 3 What About Permanent Reusable Filters?
- 4 Frequently Asked Questions About 5-Cup Coffee Filter
- 4.1 How Many Cups Is A #4 Coffee Filter?
- 4.2 How Many Cups Does A 5-Cup Coffee Maker Make?
- 4.3 Does It Matter What Coffee Filter You Use?
- 4.4 Are Number 2 Or 4 Filters Bigger?
- 4.5 What Is The Secret To Good Filter Coffee?
- 4.6 Should You Wet Your Coffee Filter?
- 4.7 Are White Or Brown Coffee Filters Better?
- 4.8 Why Does Filter Coffee Taste So Good?
- 5 FrappĂ©-Ing it All Up – 5 Cup Coffee Filter
There are, as we touched base on earlier, a number of different coffee filters to choose from, all of which have their effect on the final result.
What Size Filter Should You Use With Your 5 Cup Coffee Maker?
The most important part is to use the correct size of filter. For your 5 cup coffee maker, #2 is the correct size for conical-shaped filters. For a basket-shaped coffee filter, also known as a flat-bottomed filter, the correct size is the junior size.
95% of all coffee makers will use a #2 or #4 coffee filter. A coffee machine with a 6-cup brewing capacity will use a #2 paper filter.

Read: Programmable 5-cup coffee maker
Paper Coffee Filters – Bleached Or Unbleached
The decision once you have the right size of paper filter is whether you want to use a bleached or unbleached filter.
These are easily identifiable by their color. The bleached ones are those white filters. They have been processed with oxygen and chemicals to achieve that bright white color. The whole process is intensive and not all that environmentally friendly.
Coffee lovers have a preference for those due to the brown paper filter producing an ever so slight papery taste. The bleached filters, I really don’t like the idea of chemicals in my coffee and since you are brewing with hot water that might happen.
If you opt for the unbleached paper, or even the bleached ones, rinse them well with warm water before you use them. At the very minimum, you will reduce the papery taste.

Read: 5 Cup Reusable coffee filter
What About The Shape Of Your Coffee Filter?
The shape of your coffee filter will influence how your coffee will taste. Seriously! Any single variable can change how your coffee is, from size, to shape, to material, brewing temperature, grind size, brew time and so on.
Flat-bottomed coffee filters due to their shape and functionality may cause an uneven extraction of the coffee ground. This is not really an issue for you if you have excellent pour over skills and can maintain that pencil thin steam while pouring in a circular fashion while not flooding your coffee grounds.
with drip coffee makers, if they don’t have a spray that ensures an even flow of the water over your coffee grounds, you might not get an even extraction.
Conical filters do not have this problem due to shape and the way in which the water is “funneled” to a point. There is no issue relating to under or uneven extraction of your grounds.
What About Permanent Reusable Filters?
While coffee filter papers result in a clean, crisp taste that is fresh and light bodied, you can expect a cup of coffee that is fuller, deeper and more robust when you use a metal filter.
Metal coffee filters do not filter out the coffee oils and allow more of them to flow into your cup of coffee. Being reusable they are much better for the environment.
An alternative and a halfway house between a paper filter and reusable metal filters are cotton cloth filters. You can reuse cloth filters to an extent, and you will get somewhat of a crisp cup of coffee but not as much had you used a paper filter. Your coffee will be bold and full-bodied, but not as much had you used a metal filter.
Frequently Asked Questions About 5-Cup Coffee Filter
How Many Cups Is A #4 Coffee Filter?
A #4 coffee filter for 8 to 10 cups of coffee if you have a non-electric coffee brewer. For electric coffee makers, it is designed for 8 to 12 cups.
How Many Cups Does A 5-Cup Coffee Maker Make?
A 5 cup coffee maker makes 5 cups of coffee.
The standard measurement for a cup is usually 6 ounces (180 ml) meaning a 5 cup coffee maker can brew up to 30 ounces or 900 ml. Since I like a 12 ounce cup of coffee, I would only get 2.5 cups out of a 5 cup coffee maker.
Does It Matter What Coffee Filter You Use?
anything that can alter the flavor and composition of your coffee matters. The filter that you use can change the composition of your coffee – more or less of the coffee oils, for example, and will make your coffee taste better (or worse) depending on your own personal taste and change the body of the coffee to have more or less body.
Are Number 2 Or 4 Filters Bigger?
The #4 filter is larger than a number #2 filter. A Number #4 filter measures 5 inches from top to bottom, while a number 2 filter is an inch smaller all round.
What Is The Secret To Good Filter Coffee?
The secret to great filter coffee is to use great coffee beans and use a 1:18 coffee to water ratio. Ensure your water is no hotter than 96C (205F) and no cooler than 92C (195F).
Should You Wet Your Coffee Filter?
Yes, wetting your filter before brewing results in all the tasty coffee making its way into your cup of coffee. The first few drops of coffee are the best, which if your coffee filter is dry will get absorbed by the filter paper.
Are White Or Brown Coffee Filters Better?
Brown filters are better as they are unbleached and will impart no chemicals into your coffee. They are also more environmentally friendly.
Why Does Filter Coffee Taste So Good?
Filter coffee, particularly the pour over method, uses a flow of fresh hot water and is particularly great at getting more total dissolved solids (TDS) into your cup of coffee, which results in a great coffee. It’s a brewing method that is particularly great at extracting the intricate and delicate flavors and getting them into your brew.
FrappĂ©-Ing it All Up – 5 Cup Coffee Filter
You have in this article all you need to know and think about when looking for a 5 cup coffee filter for your coffee maker. Take all that you have read and learned in this article and think about which one will help you to make the best and most tasty cup of coffee as per your own personal liking.
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